Chapter 5

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Present time

Harry's POV

I fluttered my eyes as I felt the sunlight hitting my face. I remember what happened last night. 

I saw Jennifer...

I got off the bed and proceed to my bathroom to take a bath. I have a meeting at 10 am. I don't want to be late. Though I'm the boss, I have to attend the meetings on time. Even though I have a new and very different life, I will never forget what my mom taught me that I have to stay humble and down to earth. But I'm used to adapt all of these and getting to be good at these. Being simple was never faded away from me. Sometimes, my employees are idolizing me. Cause I'm one of the billionaires in the whole America. And yet, I still act like an ordinary man. Mr. Smith insisted me to hire bodyguards cause sometimes, there are still assassins hired by other organizations to hurt me or kill me. It's for protection, So i didn't resist. I treated Mr. Smith, my second father. Everyday I go to our building, I have 1 to 2 bodyguard and 1 driver. So far, all the businesses are in good terms and I'm so thankful cause I'm doing great. I really hope Dad is still here to witness my success in our businesses

I'm showering feeling the warmth of the water streaming down my body. I couldn't help but think about Jennifer. 

Oh god...Why is she coming back?

I'm done showering. I dried myself and went to my closet. I picked my Armani suit and wore it. I took my briefcase and walked downstairs.

I saw Jill in the living room.

"Hey! Let's have breakfast!" She said as she splashed a sweet smile.

Ohh..I'm so thankful cause I have a beautiful inside and out sister like her.

"Good Morning," I said as I kissed her cheeks

We both sat at the dining table. The maids put the breakfast foods on the table. We're just the 2 of us who are sitting on the table so I invited the maids to eat with us. They're just 4 now.

"Oh No sir! Thank You." Maria, one of the maids resisted

"Come on! Join us!" I said and smiled. They all sat down.

We're all eating breakfast, I could see the shyness in their eyes.

"Please relax.." I said and laughed

They all laughed.

After minutes, Jill poked me.

"Harry, Gerard wants me to move with him. Is that okay?" She asked

"Where you guys moving?" I asked. Honestly, I don't want Jill to go.

"In his big house in Beverly Hills." She said as she sips her coffee

"Oh okay..So when is the wedding?" I asked as I giggled

"Oh my gosh Harry!!! It's not yet in our plan." She laughed

"Just asking," I said as I laughed.

"I have to go now.." I said as I stood up from my chair

"Let me walk you out!" She offered. My sister is so sweet. I'm so blessed to have a sister like her. But she will move out with her boyfriend soon and leave me 

"Okay.." I said and smiled

My driver opened the car door for me as I went inside.

"Bye beautiful!" I said as I waved to her

"Bye handsome!" She said and laughed

After almost 1 and a half hours of driving, we're still stuck in traffic. It's 9:30 am. My meeting is at 10 am.

"How is it? I'm late." I asked my driver

"Sorry sir, but there's no other way." He said

"Uhm..Okay. Forget it." I said as I opened the door

"Sir! Where are you going?" My bodyguard asked

"I'm gonna walk. It's just 3 blocks away from here." I said

"But sir!" He said

"I'm gonna be Okay. Okay?" I said and smiled

"Oh okay sir." He said

I went out of the car and saw the huge traffic along the road. I walked to our building.

The security guard opened the glass entrance door of our company building

"Good Morning Mr. Connick!" he said as he smiled. I smiled at him too

"Good Morning Robert!" I said

"Good Morning Sir Connick!" The receptionist greeted me

"Good Morning Alice!" I said and smiled.

The other employees who saw me at the lobby greeted me "Good Morning" too.

I'm now at the elevator. 19 more floors before the floor where the meeting is going to be

Finally, I'm here. I walked to the board meeting room.

"Good Morning everyone! Sorry, I'm a little bit late." I said to everyone. They all just smiled and greeted me "Good Morning Sir" in Union

"Sir! You don't have to be sorry. You're the boss!" Benny said and they all laughed

I just smiled

"Okay, Let's start!" I said 

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