Chapter 9

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Jennifer's POV

I'm now at the bathroom showering. I can't stop thinking about Harry. I wonder where he could be so that I will go to him and tell him the truth. I really want to embrace him, kiss him, hug him, Love him..

I felt my tears streaming down my face together with the water comes from the shower.

How can I find him again?

I wonder what is he doing in his life now. He seems so formal. Maybe he worked so hard like what he said to me. He promised me, he will come back to prove to my father that he's the right one for me. And it looks like he can now prove to my dad that he's the one for me. But I don't know if he'll do that promise. Now he doesn't remember me..Oh God...Please help me..

I still love you Harry

I dried myself and wore sweats and went to the room of Max. I opened the door an saw him doing his homeworks. 

"Hey baby.." I said as I stroke his hair

"Hey mom" he said as he looked at me

"Baby, it's time for bed." I said as I rubbed his back .

"It's almost done mom.." He said as he gave me a puppy look

"Oh okay.." I said as i giggled

I sat on his small bed waiting for him

"Done!" He said excitedly

"Great job baby!" I pecked his face multiple times

"Mom..Stopp!!! It tickles.." He complained as he laughed

I put him and laid him on his bed.

"Good Night baby.." I said as I kissed his forehead

"Good Night Mom" He said as he pecked my lips.

I waited for him to fall asleep. When he's peacefully sleeping, I slowly got off of the bed and went to my bedroom

I buried my face on my palm and looked at the ceiling. My gaze landed on a dress hanging on my right side. This is the dress that Harry gave to me. It looked so old but I'm still saving this. I took it and embrace it. Imagining Harry is still with me. Until I fell asleep.


Finally, Jill approved my proposal and already decided to set a contracting signing. I'm now driving to their company to talk about some changes when our companies are merged.

I parked my car. I went inside the building and headed to the floor of her office

"This way Ma'am!" Jill's secretary lead me the way to her office

We're now at the door of her office.

"Ma'am. She's just inside. I'll leave you here." The secretary said to me as she splashed a smile at me and she left.

I opened the door of her office. I saw her talking to a man on the couch. But the man is facing me his back.

"Oh hi! Ms.Lopez!" Jill said smiling as she waved her hand. I smiled at her. The man turned around slowly.


My jaw dropped as i felt my heart beating so fast. Oh My God. It's him!! I wanna run to him and hug him and kiss him. But i remember, he doesn't remember me and probably just ignore me.
We looked at each other for a moment as i felt my tears building in my eye and will escape anytime until he broke the gaze.

"I uhm..I should go Jill.." He said to Jill and kissed her forehead. I felt jealousy. What is his connection with Jill?

"Bye Harry." She said 

He then left the office not looking at me but I'm still staring at him. Why is this happening to me. To us now? I've been longing for his embrace. I've been saving all my love for him.

As he left the office, I wanted to follow him but then Jill snapped me

"Uhm...Ms.Lopez?" She snapped her fingers to me

"Oh! uhmm..Sorry.." I tried laughed. She then laughed too. I hope she didn't notice me staring at Harry a while ago..

We talked about random things about fashion and we'll have a press conference followed by contract signing as we will merge officially next week

I saw the picture frame of her and Harry on her table

"Is he your husband?"I asked all of a sudden. I just blurted it out from my mouth. 

I shouldn't ask her that. I will just get hurt. What if they are?

"What?" She asked as she narrowed her eyebrows

"The guy a while ago?" I asked and smiled. But deep inside, I feel hurt.

"Oh what? This guy?" She pointed Harry at the picture


"Oh! That is Harry. My brother!" She said looking at the picture

Brother?? I had no idea Harry has a sister. And I had no idea he has a wealthy life. Though I know I shouldn't ask Jill about him cause maybe she'll suspect.

"Brother..?" I asked

"He is my brother." She said as she showed me the magazine. Harry is the cover page of Forbes Magazine. Wow..

Oh my God...I'm so proud of Harry. He finally made it. I felt a tear building in my eyes. Tears of Happiness. That's why he disappeared in L.A

"Uhm..Is he married now?" I asked. I'm curious to know

"Why you asked?" Jill asked as she smirked

"Oh...nothing..he looks so handsome. I thought he's your husband." I asked. Seriously, I'm not comfortable asking those questions...

"Ohh..Uhm..No. He's not yet married" She replied as she smiled. 

What a relief

"This is actually his second life.." She said with her low tone 

"W..What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"He had a car accident 5 years ago and had an amnesia. According to the doctor, He had a huge damage in his brain. Those memories when he was still a kid are the only memories he remembers. Cause he grew up with his mother. The first wife of our father." Jill explained as my jaw dropped. Oh that's why...

That's why he doesn't remember me. I looked down as I felt my tears building in my eyes.

"I should go. Thanks for your time." I said as I stood up from the chair.

"You too. Thanks for your time. Ms.Lopez! I'm looking forward to work with you." She said as we shook our hands. She seems like a nice woman.

I went out of her office and tried to look around while I'm walking around trying and hoping to find Harry again while my tears started to stream down my face. I can't find him..

I want to hug him very tight. I want him to remember me..God...What should I do? How will I say that I still love him very much if he doesn't remember me anymore? I ran to my car as I buried my face on my palm while I'm crying my eyes out.

"Harry..."I muttered

"I miss you so much..." I said as I sob 

This can't be..I'll try harder to see him again..

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