Chapter 32

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Jennifer's POV

I did my best to bring things back to normal, but Harry could not feel any emotional connection with me or to Charlotte and Max.

I tried to hang on the wall our wedding photos, showing him that we're truly married but nothing happened..

As the day goes by, he's still acting so cold to me. There are times when i'm waking up in the morning and about to hug him, I'll notice, he's not here. And when I walked downstairs, I'll see him sleeping on the couch and sometimes, I'll know from the maids that he's sleeping in the guest room. 

There's no good morning kisses, messages on the table beside our bed. And what pains me the most is that, 

I'll see his wedding ring on the table..

These things really ripped my heart. Why is this happening to us? We're happy! right?

But no, I'll never give up to make him remember me. I'll do everything to make him back. To make the Harry i love come back and love me again.

I know he's still there, I'll never let his amnesia ruin our marriage life...


"Mom? When will Dad remember us?" Max asked

"I don't know baby.." I said as I felt my heart aches.

"I miss playing with him.." He said

"I know.." I said with my voice started cracking 

"I miss him too.." I whispered as I let out my tear. I can't take it anymore

"Mom..please..don't cry.." He said with his innocent tone

"Don't mind Mommy, okay? You better sleep now. You have school tomorrow." I whispered and kissed his forehead

I pulled the blanket for him and turned off the lamp beside him

"Good Night, Mom.." He said

"I leaned to him and pecked his lips

"Good Night too.." I whispered and rubbed his cheeks

I went out of his room and heard Charlotte crying. I went to her room

"Hey baby..Are you hungry?" I whispered as I carefully took Charlotte from the crib

She doesn't stop from crying, i bet she's hungry

I sat on the chair beside her crib and fed her

While she drinking her milk, my eyes landed on the pictures on the wall. The pictures of me and Harry with Charlotte, the day when I gave birth. It was one of the best day in my life..

I then looked at her, drinking her milk as I'm supporting her bottle 

"You know, your dad wants to call you Charlie.." I said

"So I'm gonna call you now, Charlie..Is that okay girl?" I asked as I giggled and kissed her head

After few seconds, she fell asleep.

"Good Night, Charlie.." I whispered as I kissed her lips and put her carefully on her crib

I slowly closed her door so she won't wake up

I went to our room. I looked around, Harry is not here. I went to our closet and didn't see him. Then I heard the shower turned on at the bathroom

I opened the bathroom and saw him naked in the shower room

Then I slowly untied my robe and walked closer to him

I wrapped my hands around him and kissed his back. He jumped a little

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