Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I'm typing something on my iMac as I heard knocks.

"Come in!" 

Benny walked toward me. Benny is my most trusted man in this company

"Excuse me sir. You have a new secretary now." Benny said as he sat on the chair in front of my table 

"Really? Is he here?" I asked as my eyebrows narrowed

"No sir. It's She." He said and smirked at me

"Don't look at me like that.." I said and laughed a little 

"But sir. She is good. She was a High School teacher, teaching Social Class before in a valley in California. Of all the women that applied to be your secretary, she was the only good in my eyes. And I already searched about her. She has a 19 year old son named Kevin. She's divorced from her husband just last year." Benny said smiling

I know what he is thinking at the back of his mind 

"Ohhh..." I said and just shook my head smiling 

"Okay." I said as I pressed both of my palm on my table

Benny smiled as he stood up.

"Okay, I'll go get her!" Benny said as he went out of my office

I know Benny so much. He's such a good and trusted friend in business or in my personal life. He also wanted me to find a girlfriend. He always set me on a date. This man is hilarious.

After 10 minutes, He came back with a gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful woman. She has this dark brown hair and a....not to mention but sexy body. I bet she's a Latina. Wow. But Still. Jennifer is still the gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful Latina woman to me. Even though we're broken. I really wish I could reformat my memory about her. But I can't..

Benny snapped me. I didn't realize I was staring at the woman who is going to be my new secretary. Damn this is so embarrassing. Benny smirked at me

I stood up from my chair and stuck my hand out for a handshake.

"Hi! I'm Harry Connick Jr.!" I said as I smiled

"Good Morning sir, I'm Claire Peterson" She said and she smiled

Claire's POV

I moved out from the valley in California to start a new life. Finally we had a clean closure with my ex husband. We're now in different ways. He's now working in San Francisco while I'm here now in Manhattan with my son to start a new life.

I woke up from my alarm cause I will have an interview at 9 am. So I got off of the bed and started to prepare. Kevin left earlier for his school. I prepared my breakfast. While i'm eating my breakfast, I grabbed a magazine.

Harry Connick Jr. He is the cover of Forbes Magazine this month. I can't help it but i smile looking at those lips and handsome face. I wonder if he's married or in a relationship. Not to mention but..he's my crush. I'm thinking about him not realizing he's going to be my boss if I will get the job. So i recollected myself and fixed myself and prepare my things. Here we go

I drove to the building of Mr. Connick. I can't help it. My jaw dropped. Wow..

I went to the waiting area cause according to a man named Mr.Benny. He's going to be the one who will interview.

I saw many sexy, tall, blonde women in the waiting room. I'm so nervous what if I will not get this job? Oh my god..I have to get this job cause Kevin is going to college next year so..and plus, this Harry guy is my crush.."Oh Stop it Claire!!! You're going to do this cause of your son! Not to your crush!" My inner self snapped me. I jump a little when a young guy called my name.

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