Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

"Harry?" She mumbled as her eyes getting teary

My body froze for a moment. What is happening here right now? 

Oh Jill..

Our gaze just locked for about few seconds. But I'm not gonna lie..She look so beautiful with her hombre hair and light make up. I could still see the natural beauty of her..

I could see the true Jennifer. The woman I've ever loved the most.

I didn't realize that we're just the only 2 of us here at the beach right now. And I know Jill did this thing..

Jennifer's POV

I'm waiting for like 30 mins and no Jill came. I stood up from my chair as I grabbed my purse and turned around. My heart beats so fast of what I see..


I can't help it but I felt my eyes teary. I missed him so much. I missed us. I missed his embrace

Our gaze locked for a while until he broke it and tried to turn around and leave

I ran to him immediately as I held his arm.

"Harry wait!" I shouted as he faced me. He's just looking down and not facing me

"Harry I love you! And I know you still love me! And don't you dare to say that you don't remember me or don't know me! Jill already told me the truth! That you have no amnesia! Don't you ever lie to me again!!! And don't you hurt me!!!" I shouted as I painfully smacked his chest. I felt tears in my eyes. He didn't look at me and he just turned around

"Harry!! For god's sake! Listen to me! For at least once!" I shouted but he just continues walking

"Okay! Go! Walk away! Just like you do! Walking away! You know what? You have to know that you're the one who has a fvcking problem! Harry!!!" I shouted as he faced me, glaring. His eyes is red as his tears are streaming down his face.

He then rushed to me and grabbed both of my arms. It' hurts..

"Walk away? Walk away huh? And I'm the one who has a problem? No Jennifer! It's you! You said you don't love me anymore! That letter! That letter huh? Really broke my heart! I loved you!" He said loudly as his tears are streaming down his face making my mouth half opened

"Very Much! And damn it Jen! I have to admit! Yes. I still love you!! Is that what you want to hear huh? Yes I Still love you!!!"  He shouted in front of my face with anger as his tears keeps on flowing. I immediately locked my hands around his back as I leaned closer to him. He tried to remove my hands but I tighten the grip.

"Harry please!! I Love you!! Please listen to me!!" I said crying as I buried my face into his chest.

"Jennifer please..." He whispered as he's trying to pull away. But I'm not letting him go. I heard him weep

"That letter!! That letter is not real, Harry..believe me..." I said between my sobs 

He held my hands and slowly removed from his body. He looked at me straight in the eyes. Those teary blue eyes really melts my heart. He wiped my tears using his thumbs. I kept on sobbing

"I'm so sorry...Harry. Please. I still love you..." I said with my voice cracking as I'm looking into his eyes

"Sshh..Stop crying. I don't want to see you crying Jen.." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

He then looked at me and whisper

"I believe you.." He whispered. He just took the needle that has been hurting my heart. 

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