Chapter 17

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Claire's POV

Oh My Gosh..

I can't believe I did that. Feels like I lost my dignity. I'm a good mother. Why am I throwing myself to someone who doesn't have feelings for me like I have to him

I gotta stop this before it's too late...

I don't want to be a whore. I'm not like the woman that my ex husband had. I know what it feels like to be betrayed and it's extremely hurt 

I don't want to be a mistress..
Cause i know the feeling what the wife's has. I don't want to destroy marriage


Harry's not yet married..Right?

I don't know what to do...I can't lose him

It's been a week since I visited Harry at the resort. We haven't talk yet except if it's all about work. I have a feeling that's he's looking at me but I don't even glance at him. Which is a little bit awkward. I think it's better this way. I don't want to hurt myself. I'm so tired for being hurt

Harry's POV

The 1 week vacation with Jennifer was absolutely amazing..

We shared every moment. We cherished each other. We loved each other

When we get back to Manhattan, she asked me if I could move to her. But I insist her to move in my house with her son, Max.

After a long day of work, I can't wait to go to Jen's house to finally embrace her. I can't wait to meet Max.

I get my suitcase and headed to the elevator.

I entered the elevator and I'm about to close it but

Claire stopped it as she enters

"Hi." I said as i smiled

"Hi." She coldly said

What is happening to her? She's been acting so cold to me. We only talk if it's about work but she can't look at me in the eyes.

There's an awkward silence covering the elevator the whole minutes until we reached the ground floor.

But none of us stepped forward.

I looked at her but she's looking straight. Oh i get it, she has a car too in the parking lot.

I then closed the elevator

Then we reached the basement

"Bye Ms.Peterson" I said as I we stepped out

She just gave me a side smile and walked away

I just watched her walking away. Then I proceed to my car

I hopped in my car and turned on the engine.

I glanced to my side mirror and I saw Claire struggling. She seems having a problem, starting her engine.

I looked at my watch. It's almost 11 pm. Jen is probably waiting for me right now.

I got off of the car and headed to Claire to know what's wrong

Claire's POV


I'm so pissed cause Harry approached me in the elevator. I'm trying to ignore him

and now. My car doesn't work.

Shitty day

I bury my head on my steering wheel and start crying

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