Chapter 12

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Claire's POV

"What to wear? What to wear?" I keep on finding a perfect dress to wear for tonight. I want to look so beautiful in Harry's eyes. I picked this tight purple dress. I wore it and put some make up and picked my high heels

I went to the room of Kevin who is playing play station

I went inside of his room


He jumped a little when he saw me

"Wow Mom! looks so great! Where you going?" He asked curiously

"At the fashion show" I said smiling

He grinned

"Hey! Are you done doing your homeworks huh?" I asked as i put my hands on my hips

"Yes!" He said as he smiled

"Okay..don't wait for me. Okay? I should go." I said as I kissed his head

"Bye Mom!" He said and kissed my cheeks

I went downstairs and picked my car keys from the coffee table. But I heard knocks on the front door. I walked toward the door and opened it. 


"Sir..?" I asked as I narrowed my eyebrows

He's standing in front of me with his gorgeous suit.

"Just call me Harry." He said as he smiled at me. I smiled at him too

"Ready to go?" He asked

"Yeah! But I have a car. You don't have to pick me up" I said smiling

"I invited you in the first place so it's my responsibility to pick you up." He said as he offered his arm to me. 

"Oh Okay.." I said as I held is arm trying not to smile 

We walked to his Porsche car in front of my house. He opened the car door for me as I went inside.

"Where's your driver?" I asked as he sat in the driver's seat.

"I gave him vacation for a while." He said as he winked at me

I just nodded and smiled.

"Let me just say, You look so beautiful tonight, Claire.." He said as he started the engine

"T..thank you.." I said as I looked outside the window and blushed. Hoping Harry didn't see my red face cause it's dark.

We're now here. There are many people in gorgeous dresses made from the huge fashion companies in the whole world.

Harry parked his car as he went outside and walked around. I was about to open my door but he opened it immediately for me. 

So gentleman

Now, how could I stop myself falling for him..?

We walked inside as the photographers started to click their cameras on him.

It's getting crowded cause they saw Harry. But he held my hand. 

His hand..

"It's Okay. Just relax." He whispered as he smiled at me. We walked inside. 

We then proceed to our seats. The show will start at 10. Harry sat beside me.

"Harry! Wow! You made it!" Jill Connick said as she sat beside Harry's other side

"Of course, I want to support you.." He said as he kissed her cheeks.

"Oh uhm..Jill. This is Claire Peterson, My secretary. And Claire this is my sister, Jill." He said

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