Chapter 38

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Jennifer's POV

I fluttered my eyes as the sunlight is hitting my face. I shifted myself to hug Harry but..

I see no one here in our bed..I'm the only one..

Oh,..I remember what happened last night..

I could still feel my dried tears all over my face. I slowly get up and sat on the bed. I massaged my head as my gaze landed on the table, there's the wedding ring of Harry..

I can't help it but to feel teary again feeling a sharp blade in my chest...

I closed my eye as my tears escaped 

I sighed hard as I stood up and wiped my tear

I went to Charlotte's room. 

She crying so loud. I walked closer to her crib and I lifted her up

"Sshh..sshh..Mommy's here.." I whispered as I'm rocking her lightly 

She can't stop from crying. I know his father is usually the one who can make her stop by just humming while rocking her

"I know you miss your dad...and I miss him too, sweetie.." I whispered with my voice cracking as my tears escaped from my eyes. I can't hold it back anymore..

I kissed her forehead as my tear dropped on her face. I wiped it with my thumb 


I turned around and saw Max standing at the door. He's wearing his school uniform 

"Come here..." I said as I spread my other hand signaling him to come 

He walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his head on me. I stroked his hair as I sniffed. Then he lifted his head up and look at me

"Mom, I promise, I'll never leave you. I'll always be in your side. I'll protect you and Charlotte.." He said in his innocent voice. 

He's only 9 year old but he said it..I felt my heart melted. I can't help it but to smile as I realized that my tears are flowing down my face. 

"Mom, stop crying now, please..?" He said as he raised his hand to reach my face. He wiped my tears with his small hand 

"Mommy's gonna be okay.." I whispered trying to smile. I stroked his wavy hair as he smiled

"Have you eaten your breakfast? Your school bus will be here anytime soon.." I said as I'm fixing his hair 

"Yes...But i think you're the one who has to eat.." He said making me laughed softly. 

"Alright.." I said as I pinch softly his cheek 

I walked Max out to the front door as his school bus is waiting for him. Charlotte is still in my arm 

"Bye Mom!" He said as he hugged me

"Say good bye to Charlie too.." I said 

"Bye Princess.." He whispered as he kissed softly her face

"Bye, have a nice day!" I said as i wave. He waved back as he went entered his school bus

I looked around to the driveway hoping to see Harry's car but i failed 

I sighed hard 

I walked to the kitchen still carrying Charlie. 

"Ma'am! This is her milk." Her nanny said as she handed me her bottle. 

I sat on the chair as I'm feeding her. 

She was drinking her milk as I'm holding the bottle until i heard the doorbell rang

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