Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

"Okay...Uhm...Okay.." That's all i can say

"Benny? Can you leave us alone please?" I asked Benny as I smiled. He nodded and smiled then left my office 

Jennifer stood up from my lap. I stood up too

"Harry, we had an agreement. We had an agreement that you will not hire a woman as your secretary.." She said as she crossed her arm 

"And hired her??" She said 

"Correction, I didn't hire her. Benny is the one who is hiring a secretary for me.." I explained 

She just sighed hard and looked down 

"Look.." I said as I gently grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. 

"Everything will be alright. Okay?" I whispered while rubbing her cheeks

"Okay.." She whispered

"I should go now.." She said and pecked my lips 

"Where are you going? You just came in.." I said as she turned around

"I...I have to pick up Max from school.." She said coldly 

"Okay.." I nodded

"Bye.." I said as i smiled. She just gave me a side smile

"Bye.." She said and left my office 

Jennifer's POV

Once I completely closed the door of Harry. I immediately went to the office of Benny. 

"Hi Benny!" I said once I came to his office 

"Oh hey Mrs. Connick! How may I help you?" He asked 

"I came here to ask you...why are you keep on hiring a woman as Harry's secretary?" I asked

"To be honest Mrs. Connick, It was our last batch yesterday. And no guy passed the quota. Just this last woman got it.." He explained 

I nodded and forced a smile

"Well then..Let me see first the new secretary of Harry. If you don't mind." I said

"Okay Mrs. Lopez. If that's what you wish.." He said and nodded

"I'll take you to her." He said

"Thank You Benny." I said

"You're welcome. Mrs. Connick." He said. 

We went out of his office and headed to the small office of the new secretary. 

We went to Harry's new secretary's office. The office of the secretaries in Harry's building is also big.

Benny opened the door for me

"You can go Mrs. Connick." Benny said

I nodded and went inside

I saw the woman as her back is facing me. She's looking at the window 

I faked a cough 

Then she turned around and oh...

I saw her face shocked but I was more shocked. What is she doing here?


"ohh..Hi Jennifer! It was nice to see you again." She said as she smiled 

I was speechless. She looked so different now. It's not easy to mention but she looked so...beautiful 

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