Chapter 37

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Jennifer's POV

The meeting with Claire was futile...

Claire left as I cried so hard. I heard the murmurs of other customers while looking at me. I stood up from my chair and drove back to our mansion. 

I went inside as the maid is walking toward me

"How's the kids?" I asked still whimpering 

"They're fine Ma'am, Charlotte and Max are peacefully sleeping. " She said

I nodded and forced to smile

"Ma'am, Are you crying?" She asked with her worried voice

"No. I'm fine.." I coldly said.

No, I'm not..

I walked away and went upstairs 

I opened the door of our room and looked around. This room, where Harry and I shared laughs together. This room was full of happiness, where I will wake up every morning with her sweet good morning kisses on my face and waking up in his arms

I can't help it but to cry again. I sat on the bed while holding my chest as I sob. 

Then suddenly, Harry appeared. He came from our closet room. He's holding a luggage. He closed the door behind him as he looked at me

I immediately stood up. I ran to him and embraced him

"Harry....No..Please.." I said crying as I embraced him tighter 

I felt his hands pressed on my back and hugged me back

"I need to do this, Jennifer..." He whispered making my heart beating so fast 

I slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes as I cupped his face

"Harry..Please don't do this to me..You're only confused! Believe me, non of these is right! I promise! I'll try harder to make you remember me.." I said with my voice breaking as my tears are keeps on flowing 

He cupped my face and wiped my tears. He looked into my eyes. He sighed 

"I can't do this anymore..Jennifer.." He said 

"But I will still do my responsibilities to Max and Charlotte. But Jennifer...we are not working..." He said making my heart froze 

"No!" I said between my sobs as hugged him tightly and grip his shirt. I bury my face on his chest as I cried hard

I felt his hands rubbing my back. He slowly pulled away from my hug

"I'm sorry..." He whispered as he slowly removed his wedding ring and put it on the table. My body froze as i felt my heart ripped out. My tears are continuously streaming down my face

He get his stuffs and about to go, I immediately ran to the door and blocked it

He sighed as he looked down

"Jen..? This is not working..we are not working anymore.." He said as I shook my head no lightly as I sob

I'm still blocking the door as I put my hands on the doorknob not wanting to let him go..

"One more chance please..? I promise, I'll change..I'll not fight with you anymore. I'll not ask you where have you been...Just don't leave me.." I said with my voice cracking because of tears 

"Please, don't hurt me like this.." I whispered as i sob

"If we will continue this, You'll get hurt in false hope, Jen..." He said almost whisper. He leaned closer to me. He cupped my face and kissed my forehead as my tears from my eyes keeps on flowing 

I held both of his hands tightly.

 I can't...I just can't..let him go..Now now that I'm carrying his child 

"Harry...I'm begging you..please, I need you..don't do this..I Love you, I love you Harry.." I said as I cried more 

He looked down and sighed. He lifted his head as he looked at me

"I need to go now, we need space.." He said as he slowly removed my hands from the doorknob and open it, and..leave 

I felt my body shakes and get weak as I watched him left and closed the door

I slide down the door until I reach the floor while I'm crying my eyes out as I crossed both of my arms over my chest.

"Harryyy!!!" I screamed as my tears are keeps on flowing like a river 

It hurts so much...cause our souls are connected. We became one..

I rested my head on the door as I sob

I feel dizzy...

"I'm sorry baby..." I whispered as I'm massaging my tummy 

I don't know what to do... I don't know how to make him back. How he will come back if that Claire is still on his side? 

God Please,..Make him remember me now. Make him remember how we love each other and how we fell in love harder...I can't lose my husband..Not now..,Not ever 

I took a deep breath as I'm attempting to slow my hurried heartbeat. 

I'm so hurt..My heart is so hurt..

I feel like, my blood dripping..

I can't help it, but to cry even more, sobbed deeper until I can't breathe 

Claire's POV

I'm sitting on the couch holding a glass of red wine. 

I remember what Jennifer said to me, I can't help it but to cry again.

I remember my ex husband cheated on me and I know how it feels. 

It feels like, your whole world crashed as your marriage is falling apart

But i think this is different...

I never wanted to be a mistress in the first place. I really tried so hard to distance myself from Harry, but the latter was too persistent..And i couldn't hide my feelings about him that I've been trying so hard to fight and hide.

I Love him. So much... And I know he loves me too. 

It's not wrong if you'll choose to be happy..maybe Harry is happy with me and I can see no problem about it at all..

I take a sip of my wine as i heard someone rang the doorbell. I looked at the clock, it's 1 am. Who could it be now?

I wiped my tears as I stood up from the couch and proceed to the front door

I opened the door and saw Harry standing there. My gaze landed on his luggage...

I narrowed my eyebrows

"Harry..?" I looked at him 

He walked closer to me as he closed the door behind him. He hugged me tight, I hugged him back, rubbing his back

"Harry...What's the meaning of this?" I asked 

He slowly pulled away held both of my hands

"I want to live with you.." He said making my heart beats so fast. I immediately embrace him tight as I felt a tear escaped from my eye..

I can't help it but I smiled..

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