Chapter 46

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Harry's POV

Me and Eve are sitting on the stool. She's eating breakfast as I'm drinking my coffee

"So uhm..Do you want me to drive you to your house?" I asked 

"No. I'm fine. I can manage." She said as she took a bite of her pancake

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes. I'm sure.." She said

I'm just worried cause maybe she will be hit by the truck again

"As you say so.." I said

"Thank You again for saving my life." She said

I nodded and smiled

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?" I asked cause she might be drunk again

"Why are you insisting to drive me home, huh?" She asked getting annoyed

"Uhm..I just maybe. Just maybe, you'll get drunk again.." I said

She looked down as she sighed hard. And I bet she know what i am thinking and I just care about her 

"You know, drinking and getting drunk is not an answer to your problem" I said seriously

Then she looked at me with her eye full of vulnerability

"Maybe I don't know the feeling that you're feeling. But i'm sure, it's hard and so painful to lose a daughter or son." I said

Then i saw her eye getting teary

"Are you okay?" I asked as her tear escaped from her eye

"Yes.." She said and wiped her tear

I can't even imagine to lose Charlie or Max. I love both of them. And I Love their much..

"So tell me Harry! What can i do for you since you saved my life?" She asked as she turned into a smiling woman. But I know, she's just hiding her pain inside

I shook my head and smiled at myself

"Just stop drinking that much..I hope you can do that for me.." I said as I smiled

She smiled widely "Okay, if that's what you want.." She said and took a sip of her coffee

Then i saw her faced turned into a serious one.

After few minutes, She went upstairs and took a shower. Then I remember, she has no extra clothes. I don't even have clothes here for female cause Jill took it all

So i called Benny

"Hello? Harry?" He answered

"Hey Benny! Uhm..I need some clothes for female. Can you please do me a favor? Buy a dress and asked one driver from the company to go to my main mansion." I said

"For a female? Is Jennifer with you?" He curiously asked

"No. She's not here with me." I said

"Then who is that woman in your house?" He asked

Seriously? It looks like, I'm cheating..

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when I see you." I said

"Oh okay...Right away." He asked

"And by the way, are you coming here?" He asked

"Yeah, after lunch." I said

"Thank You Benny." I said

"You're welcome Harry." He said

We said good byes and we both hang up

I went upstairs and headed to the guest room. The door is locked

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