Chapter 11

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Jennifer's POV

I went to my apartment and walked straight to the my bedroom. I went to Max's room but he's not here. And oh! I forgot that Leah borrowed him in 3 weeks. Leah and Angelo wanted to feel having a kid. Gosh...I'm not in my right mind.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine as I sat on my couch. I felt my tears streaming down my face as I sip my glass of wine. I feel so much hurt. I've been waiting for him so much. What can I do to make him remember me? I don't know...

Oh God, please help me..

I should call Leah. But she's enjoying their time and I don't want to disturb them while I'm here...alone.

I almost drank the whole bottle of wine. I looked so wasted.

"Harry..." I whispered as I buried my palms on my head

"I still love you..." I whispered as I sobbed

I was so tired of crying 

Until I fell asleep on the couch

Claire's POV

I walked to my office as I put my purse on my table. I saw Harry through the blinds sniffing. He's crying..I want to go to his office and comfort him

He saw me staring at him. We looked at each other for a moment as I tried to smile at him. I can see the sadness in his eyes. He signaled me to go to his office.

I opened the door of his office. His face is buried on his palm


"Sir, is there something wrong?" I asked. Concerned

He then faced me and wiped his tears.

"Here" I said as I offered him my hanky. I handed it to him and he accepted it

"Sorry for disturbing you Ms.Peterson.." He said not looking at me

"Sir. You can talk to me if you want. I'm just right there...right here.." I said almost whisper

I could feel the sadness by just hearing his voice. I want to lean to him and hug him

But I have no right to do that..

He then stood up from his chair and walked to me. And then he hugged me...

I hugged him back. He rested his chin into the side of my head and I rested my face into his hard chest. 

Oh my god.

"Thank You.." He whispered

This feeling is so undeniable. I don't want this to stop. 

But he slowly pulled away.

"Oh sorry...I was carried away." He said as he laughed a little. I laughed too and smiled

I just looked at him as he smiled at me but I know he's still hurt.

"You mind if you share about it to make you feel Okay?" I asked softly

"No it's fine. I don't want to talk about it." He said as he looked down

"Okay.." I said as I smiled at him. He smiled at me too

"So uhm...You okay now? Maybe I should go.." I said. I was about to walk away but

"Please stay.." He said almost whisper. I looked at him and smiled.

I sat on the chair in front of him. He just told me all about the up coming meetings with different clients, business trip, parties and schedules of his business conference in different cities.

"And oh! You mind if you come with me in Paris? You know I'll have 3 different business conference there and I need you to be there.." He asked as he leaned his back on his chair

"Ay.. yeah! No problem!" I said as I smiled at him

"When will we leave sir?" I asked curiously

"Next week. But my sister invited me to her fashion show party on Tuesday night. I need to support my sister. And if you're interested, you could come with me." He said as he smiled at me

"Yeah sure! No problem" I said and smiled so wide at him

"All set!"I said as I stood up from the chair.

"I'm so glad you are here, Ms. Peterson.." He said making me blushed but i'm facing my back at him. I recollected myself and turned around to face him

"Thank You sir." I said as and smiled. I went out of his office with my big smile. I can't believe this is happening to me. 

Oh lord...

Jennifer's POV

Tuesday ( The day of press conference and contract signing)

I woke up in my alarm. I lazily got off of the bed and sat at the edge of my bed

And oh! It's the day of contract signing! I should get ready. I should just forget for a while about Harry even though it's not easy to forget but I have to.

Leah convinced me to let Max stay at her house in a week. I said yes. They love Max so much.

While I'm showering feeling the warm water flowing in my body, I just think about my plan. I can't give up on Harry so i made this plan

I will do everything just to talk to him, have a time with him, maybe in that idea, he will remember me. I feel so much hurt and my plan is not easy to do but I have to be strong. 

I still can't let him go. 5 years are enough..

At the press conference

Jill and I answered all the questions and everything went good. We signed a contract as the photographers keeps on clicking their cameras on us and finally, MODE and ELLE magazine are officially merged.

We took pictures together will all the associates in our company.

We're now done and people started to go.

"Hey Jen!" Jill poked me


"Maybe you want to join the party at my fashion show tonight?" She invited me

"Yeah Sure! No problem." I said as she smiled.

"Okay...I'll count on you. Okay?" She said as she giggled.

"Okay." I whispered and giggled too.

She gave me the details of it and then we said our good byes and she entered her car 

I drove to my apartment and read the Forbes Magazine that Harry was the cover. I can't help but I smiled so wide looking at his handsome face. How I missed him so much. He looks so handsome in it. I just want to kiss his soft lips that I've been longing to feel. I searched about him through the internet. How come I didn't know about him? And oh..Because he tried his best to hide himself according to this article. He just wanted to hide his real name but came up later on because of so many people who didn't give up to get the information about him. I had no idea that some of my gadgets here are under his company. 

It was so hilarious..

Feels like, he's just right here in my house.

I searched all about his businesses and all the success he'd done before. And I can't help it but cry my tears of joy. He's now educated and successful billionaire man. We are both helping orphanages, other foundations and poor families. The old Harry is still living. How I missed the times when we're playing with the kids outside his trailer. 

I am so proud of him. I missed him so much. I missed his Love

Just by thinking of these thoughts, it's making me feel more determined to make him remember me. That I am the love of his life and he's the only the right one for me. 

I will never stop loving you Harry Connick Jr. So I will not stop

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