Chapter 26

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PS: The reason why I posted this song is because, I was listening to it while I'm typing..;)


Jennifer's POV

"You need help?" Harry asked as he sat on the edge of the bed

I'm removing my wedding dress at the closet

I turned around to face him

"Yes..Please.." I said seductively

He walked towards me and helped me to remove my wedding dress

"Thank You.." I whispered and bit my lower lip

"You're welcome.." He whispered and winked

He was about to kiss my lips but i put my pointer finger on his lips, biting my lower lip 

"Wait outside" I whispered in his ear

He shook his head smiling 

"Okay.." He said. I turned around. Then he smacked my ass

"Ow!" I looked at him but he walked away. He looked at me and laughed


I closed the door of our closet room.

"You're gonna drool at me.." I said while I'm looking at myself in the mirror

I'm wearing a Luxury lingerie from Agent Provocateur that he gave me

I put some perfume and some lip gloss

"Here we go.." I whispered as I wore a purple satin robe

Then I opened the door of the closet room and saw Harry reading a book as his back is pressed on the headboard

Then I crawled to him by putting soft kisses on his abs up to chest. I'm straddling him and kisses his neck. He's still holding the book so I took it from him and threw it on the floor as we laughed

I rested my chin on his hard chest as he's stroking my hair. I still can't believe we're here now, together, loving each other as husband and wife. I've been dreaming about this and i'm so beyond happy that It's Harry..

"I want you to make love to me.." I said and smirked

Then he flipped me over and now he's on top of me

He softly kissed my forehead down to my nose and lips as I pressed my hands on his back making it deeper

He deepened the kiss as i cupped his face. I introduced my tongue and played inside his mouth. He's doing the same thing as he held both of my hands and pressed on the headboard

Our tongues are fighting for dominance. I felt my tear escaped from my eyes cause of happiness. I can't believe he's officially mine now.

Harry's POV

We're kissing hard and passionately as I felt her tear escaped from her eye. I kissed her tears away as I kissed her forehead

"I Love you.." I whispered

"I Love you too.." She said as her eyes are with full of sincerity. I can't believe I have this woman now. 

That she's officially mine now. 

Feels like I'm the luckiest man alive in the whole world..

Then I slowly untied her robe revealing her sexy lingerie as my kisses went to her throat down to collarbone. I'm sucking her skin, leaving hickeys as she arched her back wanting for more.

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