Chapter 50

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Harry's POV

My body froze for a moment for what Jennifer said. Then I looked at my back and saw no Eve.

What's happening to me??

Then my head started pounding. I massaged my head as i rubbed my eyes

"Harry, are you okay baby?" Jen asked rubbing my chest and arm. She made me face her

"Harry, you look pale." She said as she rubbed my cheeks

"No...I'm fine.." I said

Then suddenly, a scene played on my mind. The scene where i had my accident that caused me to my amnesia

The scene where I kissed Jennifer a good morning kiss and went out of our house. I'm driving to the office then a little girl ran across the street causing me to hit her, i lost my control, I crashed into other car. Then my car flipped causing me to lay on the road as my blood is streaming down my face.

The last scene I saw is that.., the mother of the little girl i hit is screaming for help as she cries so hard while she's holding her daughter on her lap

I remember it..

The face of that lady came repeatedly in my mind. Eve

My head is pounding so fast all of a sudden... And it hurts so bad

I held my head as Jen is trying to make me calm while rubbing my back

"Harry? Harry..come on now. Let's go home." She said as she held my arm

Jennifer's POV

The driver is driving us back to our mansion.

While me and Harry are in the backseat, He's just looking down while rubbing his head. I could feel that, there is something wrong, that there is happening to him that I don't know.

"Harry? Are you sure, you're alright?" I asked as I rubbed his back and held his hand but he pulled away

"Jennifer. I'm fine!" He said in a loudly tone as he massaged his head again

That made me froze for a moment. He's not talking to me like that.

I just sighed and stayed silent. I don't know what's happening to Harry so I just looked at the window trying to figure out what could be his problem at the exhibit. We were okay when when we get there..

After few seconds

"Look, Jen. I'm sorry..I didn't mean to talk to you like that.." He said as he held my hand and squeezed it

I'm still not looking at him.

He then held my chin and made me face him

He's still look pale and I could see the stress in his eyes.

"Harry. Tell me, what's going on? I'm freaking out by just watching you like that. Tell me! Did you do anything wrong?" I asked getting teary

He closed his eyes as he sighed so hard

"Tell me Harry please, I'm your wife. We supposedly talking about our problems..right?" I said

He held my hand tighter and looked down

"Jen please, I don't want you to be stressed. Everything is fine.." He said and tried to smile

Harry's POV

Once we reached our mansion, I held Jennifer's hand and walked inside. I'm trying to stay calm so that Jen will not worry 

"Harry? Are you hungry?" She asked

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