Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

After a long tiring day, I fixed my things and went outside my office. I pressed the button of the elevator to the basement floor. I was the only one here so I walked inside. It was about to close but someone stopped it and entered. It's Ms. Claire Peterson

"Oh Hi! Mr. Connick!" Claire greeted me.

"Hi." I said and smiled at her

We're just the 2 us in the elevator. I could feel she's looking at me. I looked at her and she looked away. I just laughed at myself

I broke the silence cause the elevator is damn too slow.

"So uhm..Ms. Peterson!" I looked at her 

"Yes?" She said smiling.

"You were a teacher?" I asked

"Ah yes..I was." She said and smiled

"Sorry. Benny told me about you." I said. I could see her blushed

She just shook her head

"So how's your married life?" I asked. Woah.. I forgot that she's divorced. I shouldn't ask that question..

"Oh sorry, i shouldn't ask that.." I said looked away

"No! It's Okay. I..uhm...We're divorced actually.." She said

"I'm sorry.." I said and looked at her

"It's okay.." She said as she giggled. Wow...her giggle is so cute. But Jennifer's giggle is still the sweetest giggle in the world.

Why am i still thinking about her? 

The elevator door opened. We're now at the ground floor. I didn't step forward cause it's going down to the parking lot. Claire didn't step forward either

"Uhm..Ms. Peterson?" I asked

"Oh! My car is in the parking lot." She said.

Oh I see...I pressed the close button again. I could still feel her looking at me.

The elevator opened and we both stepped forward.

"So...see you tomorrow?" I said and smiled

"Yeah sir. Have a good night!" She said and smiled

We then both walked to our cars. I saw her driving and left

Claire's POV

I'm in the car driving to our house. Not realizing, I'm smiling like a fool. Oh My god...

Somebody pinch me!

I parked my car into the driveway and went inside 

"I'm Home!!!" 

"Mom! Hey! Good Evening!" Kevin walked to me as he kissed my cheeks

"Hey baby" I said as I stroked his hair

"So how was work?" He asked 

"It was really really great...." I said as I laughed.

"Mom, You Okay?" He asked curiously while laughing too as I walked to the kitchen

"Oh yes...I'm okay. It's time to celebrate!" I said from the kitchen.

I cooked dinner while Kevin is waiting at the table playing his phone. We both ate our dinner and talked about random things. He told me he has a new crush and told me about his new terror teacher.

"How I wish mom, you could be my teacher.." He said in a low voice

"Honey, I understand you..But this one is a great opportunity. This is for us. Okay?" I said and held his chin

"Yeah..I know that is your dream job. To work to one of the biggest company in the world. And plus...A new secretary of Forbes magazine's cover!! Wow Mom! You're really amazing." He said so happy. We just laughed

Kevin helped me to clean all the dishes. He went upstairs to do his home works and I'm just staying on the couch in the living room. I couldn't help but I grabbed my macbook and searched Harry Connick Jr. using their browser. And I saw an article saying he was the first one who sold mobile phones and gone in just 3 weeks. Wow..This guy is so amazing. He's an Electronics Engr. Also..

He just decided to show his face to the public 5 months ago 

All his success were all showed on the internet. Until i saw this one article. I opened and read it.

And oh! He was the long lost son of Harry Connick Sr. He grew up in a trailer at the trailer park with her mother but she died 5 years ago. Such a terrible story. He grew up in a poor life. Now I wonder why all the people really adores him. 

And I'm falling in love with him..

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