Chapter 10

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Jill's POV

That was crazy! I noticed Jen's face the moment when she saw Harry in my office. I could see in her eyes the longing in her heart. I felt so bad for hiding the truth. Cause Harry told me to do this. I knew already about their past. I wanted to hate Jennifer so bad for what she did to my brother. 

Harry told me that I have to tell Jennifer that he had an amnesia and doesn't remember anything about her cause he's trying to move on and forget about her. He also convinced me to accept her offer cause he knew that her corporation is in danger. He still cares about her. I don't know why he convinced me. Maybe he still love that woman. I'll just do this to Harry. I love him so much. He's the only family I have.

Harry's POV

I'm in the bathroom showering. I heard knocks as I dried myself since i was almost done. I put the towel around my waist and opened the door

"Ohhh...Sorry!" Jill said as she looked away 

"Yeah? What is it Honey?" I asked 

"Hmm...Maybe I'll just wait you downstairs." She said as she walked downstairs.

I went to my closet and put some sweats and walked downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and saw Jill sitting on the counter. I crossed my arms and walked closer to her 

"So how was it?" I asked. She looked down

"Harry...She looked so sad. I could see it in her eyes. She still loves you Harry! Why don't you just give her another chance?" She said almost whisper

I bit my lip and looked down

"Cause I don't want her in my life.." I said. It was not easy for me to say that

"Harry..." She mumbled

"Please. Jill. Please? Okay? I just did it cause I know it was her real dream job. I don't want her to close it." I said still looking down as I felt the tears building in my eyes

"You still care about her. Don't you?" She asked as she crossed her arms

I didn't say anything...

"See? You still care about her." She said as she stood up and grabbed a bottle of wine

"It's okay brother..I know you worked so hard just to forget about her. I understand you." She said as she poured a glass of wine and handed it to me.

"Do you still love her?" She asked as she sip her wine

"No.." I said. I lied

She just nodded

We drank the whole bottle of wine and talked about random things until we both get tipsy

"Good Night Harry" She asked as she kissed my cheeks.

"Good Night baby girl." I said in my low voice

Jill walked upstairs while I'm still on the counter, thinking about Jennifer. Was it a good idea? I did convinced Jill to accept Jen's offer cause I don't want her to close her business. I know it was her dream. But i just gave her another problem. I feel so bad about her. But I still can't forget what she wrote in the letter. That she don't love me anymore. I can't help it but to feel the pain and hurt by just reminding it.

But I moved on...Did I really move one?

I still feel something special for her. I saw her eyes the sadness when we looked at each other. I really wanted to hug her so tight. I missed her so much. I want to kiss those lips of hers. But I can't do that anymore...

Maybe this is our destiny. That we're not meant to each other. It's better this way. I think I did a right thing. It's better for her to think that i don't remember her anymore. Maybe in that thing, she will completely forget me and move on

Good Bye Jennifer..

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