Chapter 42

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Jennifer's POV

I went out of the bathroom as I heard someone is knocking at the door

I wore a bathrobe and proceed to the door and opened it 

"Ma'am, do you want me to clean now your room?" The maid asked 

"Okay uhm..let me just finish dressing, I'll call you." I said 

"Okay Ma'am." She said as she nodded 

"Where's the kids?" I asked 

"Max is practicing piano with his teacher at the music room, Charlotte is with Stella." The maid said 

"Oh okay.." I said as I smiled 

I closed the door and walked to the closet room 

Harry's other clothes are still here. I took them one by one and put those on the cabinet including his neckties and socks 

I'm so tired waiting for nothing. 

False hopes..

I wore some sweats and tide my hair into a messy bun. 

I proceed to the mirror and put light make up. I stared at myself for a while bitting my lower lip. 

I don't know what's gonna happen between me and Harry..

My dad haven't know all about it until now. And I don't know what to do once he will find out that Harry left our house and now living with another woman 

I looked down and sighed hard. Then my gaze landed on the table and saw my wedding ring

I slowly took it and looked at it. Then I looked back to the mirror

There's no reason to wear this anymore..

I put it on the drawer beside the table

"It's gonna be fine, Jennifer.." I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror 

I went out of the room and saw the maid standing outside 

"You can now clean the room. If it's okay.?" I asked 

"Yes Ma'am..Sure." She said as she nodded 

"Okay.." I said as I smiled then I walked downstairs 


"Hi.." I whispered smiling as Stella carefully passed Charlie to me 

"She's done drinking her milk, Ma'am." Stella said and smiled 

"Thank You." I said and smiled 

"How's my little one, huh?" I whispered as I'm rocking Charlie slowly 

She smiled playing with my hair 

"Mommy loves much.." I whispered and kissed softly multiple times her face 

I headed to the music room still holding her 

"Okay Max, play it one more time." The piano teacher of Max said. Then Max began playing the song 

It sounds so beautiful..

I can't help it but to get teary again. I remember the man who used to play that piano..

I closed my eyes as my tear escaped from my eye. I didn't notice, Charlie reached my chin. I looked at her and smiled

Feels like she wants to wipe my tear. 

"Mommy's Okay, sweetie.." I said and kissed her lips softly 

I laughed softly as I wiped my tear 

"Mom!" Max said loudly from the 

Then he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. I stroked his hair using my other hand

"You did a great job baby!" I said smiling as I giggled 

He looked at me and smiled

"Hi Princess.." He whispered to Charlie and kissed softly her head 

I smiled of what he did. I stroked his hair again 

Max's teacher walked toward me

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Connick." Teacher Ryan said

"Good afternoon too..How was Max?" I asked as I smiled 

"He's doing a great job." Ryan said and smiled as he looked to Max

"By the way Mrs. Connick, he plays very well. I wonder how he learnt the basic. Did you teach him?" He curiously asked 

"No, uhm..I was not the one who taught him.." I said 

Harry did..

Harry's POV

Claire haven't know that my memories came back. I want to go back to Jennifer and be with her and with our children again. Especially now that we're gonna have a new family member 

But I'm afraid that she's not going to accept me..for what I did 

I caused her so much pain and hurt. I can't bear seeing her being weak 

By just remembering the day she cried hard and begged me to stay makes me feel like I'm truly an asshole 

She doesn't deserve to cry that hard..

I can't help it but I felt my tears building in my eyes

I'm sitting on the couch while watching a movie until I heard Claire opened the front door 

I immediately wiped my tears 

"Hi baby!" 

"Hey.." I said as she sat beside me on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder 

"I missed you.." She said rubbing my arm

"How was work?" I asked 

"It was great. I had many calls this day. My boss gave me lot of works cause I accidentally spilled his coffee on him" She said 

I laughed softly 

Then she looked at me. She sat on my lap. We're facing each other 

She locked her arms around my neck and looked deeply in my eyes

After these months, Claire has been a good and loving person to me. She's still the same. She still loves me but..

I can't love her back in the amount that she have for me..

I looked into her eyes. 

Now I don't know how will i say everything to her. I don't want her to be hurt. I don't want to hurt her..

But I have to do this. I have to do the right decision. Again..

She kissed my lips passionately as she's straddling me. 

I felt she smiled in our kiss 

She slowly pulled away and pecked my lips one more time 

"I Love you.." She whispered as she smiled 

I stayed silent. Just the air, that is coming from my mouth 

I could see in her eyes that she's waiting for me to say "I Love you too.." 

But I can't say that to her now..

"Claire..? Are you hungry? I cooked food for you.." I said as I tucked the hair behind her ear. I kissed her earlobe softly 

"Okay.." She said as she smiled. 

I slowly stood up as I put her down 

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