Chapter 31

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Jennifer's POV

"He doesn't remember me!!! You said, he's okay!" I said a little bit angry to Dr. Urban who is the doctor of Harry. He didn't tell me that there's a part of Harry's brain damaged

"I'm sorry Mrs. Connick. But there's still a chance for him to remember those memory that he forgot. It's still not the end.." He said

I just sat on the chair outside the room of Harry 

I bury my palms on my face as I sob 

"Everything is gonna be alright, Mrs. Connick! I know God has mercy. Just don't stop believing him. Harry will be okay soon! We will help you.." Dr. Urban said

According to Dr. Urban, When Harry had an accident, which caused his isolated retrograde amnesia. His last memory was that on the time when we're not together, when he still believe that I don't love him anymore. When the time when he's trying his best to ignore me. 

When he woke up, he did not recognize me as his wife. But he then remember me, but as the old Jennifer that he tried to forget. 

That's what's happening to him right now. He forgot about everything before Jill made a way for us to reconnect. And he forgot that we're married..

Dr. Urban said it's better if we do our usual things everyday to make him remember 

He stayed at the hospital in 3 weeks, I did visits him everyday after work. I always watch him in his physical therapy sessions.

I was trying to help him but he always ignore me but eventually, he let me..

There was a time when Dr. Urban asked him in his office about him. I was just standing at the door while watching them 

"Okay Harry. Tell me, What is your name?" Dr. Urban asked

"Doc, are we serious here?" Harry asked annoyed

"Just answer me Harry, this is for you.." Dr. Urban said

"Alright, Joseph Harry Fowler Connick Jr." Harry said looking away 

"Very Good..Okay, next question." 

"What is the name of your mother?" Dr.Urban asked 

"Anita Livingston" Harry said

"Very Good. Okay, What is the name of your father?" Dr. Urban asked

"Joseph Harry Fowler Connick Sr." Harry said as he looked down

"Very Good Harry! Okay, this is my last question" Dr. Urban said

"Are you single? Or are you married?" 

Harry looked at him

"Single" He firmly said.

I felt my heart ripped out when he said that. I didn't notice a tear escaped from my eyes. I wiped it. I have to be strong for us. We have obligations to each other...

Dr. Keith explained to us that he has to relax his mind but we have to expect some disorientation that might result to mood swings. But according to him, it's just part of his recovery process.

To be honest, my heart aches every time i see him like this. He doesn't deserve this..

But I'm his wife. I have to be there with him and help him to recover 


After staying at the hospital, 

The driver drove us to our mansion in the city cause his sessions are done. He just need to relax his mind for him to recover all those memory he forgot and I'm willing to risk everything just to help him..

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