Chapter 19

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Jill's POV

"Gosh, I am so happy Gerard!!!" I said teary to Gerard as I showed him the pregnancy test.

"Oh God...Thank God!!" He said as he laughed and lifted me up, spinning me around

"I Love You baby, We're gonna be a family.." I whispered as I kissed his earlobe

"Yes..We are.." He whispered as I kissed him so passionately

He carefully put me down and looked at me in the eyes

Then he kneeled down as he slowly get something from his pocket

A little red box

"Oh my god.." I covered my mouth as I felt my tears building in my eyes

He slowly opened the box with a diamond ring

"Jill Connick, Will you marry me?" He asked getting teary

I covered my mouth as I let out my tear

"Yes.." I finally said. He wore me the ring and kissed me passionately again

"I Love you.." He whispered

"I Love you too.." I said as I wiped my tear

I'm so excited to tell Harry, I'm getting married!!

Jennifer's POV

Harry is still peacefully sleeping in my arm as his arm is wrapped on me 

"I Love You baby.." I whispered as I caress his face. I'm just looking at him while sleeping. I poked his nose causing him to moved slowly 

He fluttered his eyes and smiled when he saw my face smiling 

"Hi.." I whispered

"Hi.." He said as he pecked my lips. I kissed him passionately but he pulled away 

"I haven't brush my teeth yet.." He said as he laughed softly 

I laughed softly 

"I don't care.." I whispered as I cupped his face and kissed him again, passionately 

We're absolutely making out until we heard Max knocking 

We pulled away and laughed softly. I get out of bed as he smacked my ass. I gave him a look but he just laughed. I opened the door. There, Max is standing with his school uniform. He's holding a tray with 2 plates of pancakes with strawberry syrup and 2 black coffee. 

"Good Morning mom, I made breakfast for you and Daddy!" He said 

"Oh my God..Thank You baby!" I said as I get the tray from his hands

"Good Morning too.." I said and pecked his lips 

"Mom, I gotta go. I'm gonna be late." Max said as he took his bag from the floor. Then I heard the horns of his school bus from the outside 

"Okay..Bye Baby! Have a nice day." I said as I hugged him. 

"Go, say good bye to Daddy too.." I said. He walked toward to Harry and kissed his cheeks as they hugged 

"Good Bye pal! Have a nice day!" Harry said

We walked Max out. The school bus is waiting for him

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Max said as he waved and went inside

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist while watching the school bus of Max until it disappears. 

I looked at him and smiled. He then smiled at me and kissed the side of my head. I can't wait  for the days when we wake up in the morning with each others arms, having our breakfast with our kids and spend time with them at the park. I imagine myself cooking dinner for him after his work. 

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