Chapter 20

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Jennifer's POV

"Wow.." Max happily said when we entered his new room. Harry told me, he was the one who designed this room of Max. The theme is all about basketball cause Max really loves to play it. 

"You like it, Buddy?" Harry asked as Max is still roaming around his new room 

"Yes dad! I like it a lot" He said smiling 

"Thank You.." Max said as Harry hugged him 

"You're welcome." Harry said as he playfully punched his arm

"And also, there's a basketball area at the backyard, we could play sometimes."Harry said as the eyes of Max got so happy

"Oh my god..Thank You dad.." He hugged Harry again

I'm just smiling while watching them. I can't wait Max to have a little sister or little brother to play with. It would be nice if they're all 6 boys who will play basketball together and at least 2 girls who will spend girly time with me. 

I hope so..

"Good Night Mom, Good Night Dad!" He said as he hugged us and kissed our cheeks.

"Good Night baby..." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

I turned off the light and closed the door of his room. 

"And you...Ms. Jennifer Lopez!" He said as he leaned closer to me. Without any warnings, he lifted me up. I just can't stop from laughing so hard. He carried me bridal style to this big room with a Luxury king size bed. 

He slowly put me down and kissed my neck. 

"This would be our room." He said as he smiled 

"Wow.." I mumbled as I'm roaming around this luxury room

It's so beautiful and there's a balcony with my favorite kind of flower around. I turned around to Harry. He's still standing beside the door smiling at me 

"It's so beautiful, Harry.." I said smiling 

"Everything for my Princess.." He whispered, walking closer to me as he cupped my face and kissed my forehead 

We're now in his another mansion but still in the city 

It's funny how rich Harry is. But his taste in designing and decorating our room is still simple yet so elegant. My gaze landed on the small area of the wall. 

There are pictures of us..

"Oh..I remember this.." I said giggling as I pointed our picture together at the trailer.

"You do?" He asked

"Of course!" I laughed a little 

There are pictures of us with the kids playing outside the trailer of Harry. I missed those moment. The times we played Hide and seek with the kids. 

The times where I fell in love harder with Harry..

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my earlobe down to my neck. His soft kisses gives me chills all over my body.

I let out soft moans

I turned around to faced him. I then kissed him passionately. He held both of my arms as he deepened the kiss. Then I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him as I introduced my tongue. Our tongues are dancing with so much passion and love.

I could feel his tongue playing around in my mouth as I played around in his, Exploring every inch of it. Then he began sucking my bottom lip.

I feel so safe when I'm with him. 

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