Chapter 6

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Jennifer's POV

I fluttered my eyes with the sunlight streaming on my face while I'm lying on my bed. I looked at the clock. Gosh, It's 12 noon!! I have to wake up max for school. But wait....How did I even get here? I remember last night. I fell asleep on the floor at the front door

"Mom!!" Max said and opened the door of my bedroom.

"Hey baby! Good Morning!" I said as I sat up and pecked his lips

"Good Morning too mom.." He said as he hugged me

"Baby..May I ask you something?" I asked him

"What is it?" He asked

"How did I get here?" I asked with my narrowed eyebrows

"Grandpa picked you and put you here.." He explained He was here. So it means, he saw me sleeping on the floor. I sighed hard

"Where is he?" I asked

"He left this morning. He'll just come back tonight." Max said

I just nodded

We both got off of the bed as I went to the bathroom to take a bath

I'm cooking breakfast now for me and Max. All this time, I never had hard time raising him. He's so sweet kid. I treat him like my own Son.

I'm almost done the cooking when I felt tiny arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey mom!" He said

"Hey baby! It's almost done." I said as I flipped the pancake and pour his favorite chocolate syrup

I placed our breakfast on the table as we prayed began to eat. I couldn't help but I remembered Harry..


"What baby?" I asked

"Are you crying?" He asked

I didn't realize I'm crying. Gosh this is so embarrassing

"No I'm not. I'm Okay baby."I said as I stroked his hair

We're done eating now as we walked to the car. I dropped Max to school. Now I'm late at work. Because I overslept. Seriously, I don't want to go to work today. I don't feel the good cause of what happened last night. Worst night ever. I feel like I want to investigate Harry now the whole day. Is he just making fun with me? Cause if he is, I'm gonna painfully punch his hard chest. 

Just kidding, I don't want to hurt the love of my life. But still. I'll never stop. I'll find him. 

I'll never give up

I parked my car at the parking lot of the company. I walked to my office and started to work. To be honest, my whole mind wasn't in the annual report that I'm holding. Harry is still at the back of my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by Sandra. My secretary.

"Excuse me, Ma'am! But the board meeting needs you at 20 mins." She said

"Okay. Thanks" I said as I smiled

After reviewing the annual report of the company and the report for the meeting later, I looked at my right side where the picture of me and Harry. I picked up the frame and stare at his face.

"I will find you, Jerk" I said whispering 

We're having a meeting as the other associates said that the sales of our magazine are not in the good place. It's slowly going down. Oh my god..This can't be.

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