Chapter 30

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Jennifer's POV

 The journey of pregnancy, for both of us, Harry and Me, is an amazing one. 

It's beautiful, it's surreal, and one that is truly hard to understand and fully grasp without having gone through it 

Our world is about to change. Mixed in with all the joy, excitement and anticipation for the future, there is uncertainty, and fear. But all of those could just have a good result in the end. We are not perfect, the world is not perfect. But Harry is perfect to me. 

He wrote a letter for me on the table beside our bed when I woke up

Good Morning baby, I left our room early. I didn't want to wake you up so I just kissed your forehead. 

My God, you're the most beautiful being I have ever seen. The way you are. 

The way you evolve with our baby over those months. The way you care for, nourish and love that soul within you.

You are my life, My Queen. You and our children. I Love you, Jennifer

I smiled as my eyes are teary. He's so sweet. He's my life too. He and our Children 

"I Love You  too, Harry.." I whispered as I get out of bed and went to Max's room


Harry went out this early morning for his board meeting. I wasn't able to cook breakfast for him though I really want to serve him. I get him. He's just thinking about me. He don't want me to get tired

I was always having morning sickness, almost everyday. It was not easy for me in the whole months. But I'm lucky to have Harry in my side always. He was always helping me go to the bathroom when I want to throw up. He was taking care of me any minute 

My body hurts sometimes, having back pains and those pregnancy stuffs but he's always there. We've been taking a bath together so he could wash my body and hair. 

Feels like I can't lose him. I don't want to. Never

I walked Max out to the gate as his school bus is waiting for him

"By Mom!!" He said as I pecked his lips

"Bye Charlotte.." He said and kissed my tummy. 

"Bye Baby! Have a nice day!" I said as I smiled

Then he ran to the bus and get in

I'm watching his bus until it disappears 

I smiled while massaging my tummy 

"I can't wait to carry you and kiss you, Charlotte.." I whispered

So today, It's just me and the nannies. 


I decided to re watch one of our favorite movie. The Vow 

Everytime i watch it, I always got teary and Harry is always there to wipe my tears but at this time, I'm alone. So nobody will wipe my tears except me

I was just watching while I'm lying on our bed. Then suddenly...I felt something wet 

My water just broke 

Oh my God.

I screamed for help. The nannies immediately went to our room. 

"Ma'am, Are you alright?" The nanny said

"My water just broke.." I said panting 

Then our security guard carried me to the car and drove to the hospital. I called Leah

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