Chapter 25

505 16 2

January 23 2017

Harry's POV

I fluttered my eyes as the sunshine hitting my face and I smiled. 

I'm a little bit sad cause Jennifer is not here in my arm right now cause we can't see each other before the wedding. 

Today is our wedding. Me and Jennifer are gonna be married today. I can't wait to be officially hers and I can't wait her to be my mine. Forever..

I can't wait to wake up every morning with her in my arms, caress her face, give her sweet good morning kisses and love her every seconds

I get out of bed and sat at the chair beside the window. I prayed for a while. Thanking God cause finally I'm gonna marry the woman i love. 

"I wish you are here, Mom.." I whispered

Once i'm done, I glanced first on our picture together hanging on the wall and kissed her face. I smiled 

Jennifer's POV

"You look so Gorgeous, my Princess.." Dad said while he's at my behind 

"Thank You Dad.." I said as I smiled to him

I'm looking at the mirror as I stare at my face for a while. I can't believe this happening. I'm getting married today with the man I love 

I'm wearing a wedding ball gown with my messy hair Updo. 

"Baby..I'm so excited to marry your father.." I whispered as I'm massaging my tummy

"I hope, Mom is here too.." I said 

"I hope too." He said as he looked down

I lean closer to Dad and hugged him

"I'm so happy for you...I hope you'll be happy with Harry. I know he will take care of you." He said as I'm getting teary but I stopped it. I smiled. With full of happiness.

This is really happening

We slowly pulled away and smiled to dad. 

"I'm so happy for you, my Daughter.." He said with his voice cracking. I could see the sincerity in his eyes

He's completely changed. He now truly accepted what my heart wants..

"Thank You Dad.." I said and I genuinely smiled 

"Before i forgot.." He said as he get something from his pocket 

A beautiful diamond necklace

"This was your mom's. She wore this on the day of our wedding. And I want you to wear this." He said as I'm getting teary 

He wore it around my neck as I smiled while looking at myself in the mirror.

"This is so beautiful. Thank You dad." I said and smiled to him. We hugged as he kissed my cheeks 

He slowly pulled away

"Come one now! Your King is waiting now for you!" He smiled as I laughed softly 

"Let's go." 

We drove to St. Patrick's Cathedral. I went inside and saw the listed guests. I saw Max between Gerard and Jill. I splashed a smile to them as all the guests are looking at me. 

And there...I saw Harry smiling at the end of the altar as I let out my tears that I kept on holding back a while ago. 

Tears of happiness. This is really happening.

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