Chapter 28

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8 months later

Jennifer's POV

It's been 8 months since we get married and I could honestly say that it was the best part thing that had happened to me, to us.

Harry is such a very good supporting husband to me, he always take care of me. Always with me every time I have an appointment to the doctors.

He have been a great father to Max. And I can't wait for Charlotte to come out and be with us.

We always having a great time together. We had fights, but nothing major. Well that's normal to a married couple but there's no night that he will not do anything to make us okay and good. He's very sweet husband to me and I'm certainly lucky to have him in my life.

There was a time when he accidentally called me, "Heavy Woman" when I asked him to carry me. I got mad to him and didn't talk to him the whole day. I hate it. I didn't answer any of his calls and messages that day.

But when I got home that day, I was really surprised to see different colors of balloons in the living room with the word "Sorry" each one of those. I saw him with Max holding my favorite kind of flower and mouthed me "Sorry"

I couldn't help it, But I smiled. It's just happened, I automatically smiled.

He always do everything just to make me smile.

He leaned closer to me and gave me a genuinely smile.

"Forgive me Please?" He asked and pouted

I shook my head while smiling, I can't help it. 

I really love him and I can't hate him all the time.

"You're forgiven!" I said 

"Really? Oh thank God.." He said 

Then he hugged me tightly 

"I Love you.." He whispered as I rubbed his back

"Just don't say it again or I will hate you forever!" I threatened him and smirked

"I will never say it again. I Love you.." He said and kissed my cheeks and hugged me again

"I Love you too.." I said a he kissed my forehead

He went down and leaned his ear to my tummy

"Charlotte, baby? I'm sorry I called your mommy a "Heavy Woman". I promise, it won't happen again.." He said and kissed my tummy making me giggle

I stroked his hair as he stood up.

"I'm sorry again." He whispered and pecked my lips

He's so sweet. How could I hate him?

Harry's POV

Jennifer is 8 months pregnant now. I asked her not to work but she insisted. But I resisted. 

Jennifer and her Dad went out of our mansion this morning to visit her mom at the cemetery. Jill just gave birth last week and i'm so proud for her. I know Gerard will take care of her.

As the months goes by, I tried my best to tell Jennifer that she should be at home but she always insist. And I didn't say anything, I know it's her thing. It's her passion. And I know, Jennifer will just get bored when she's at home all day. But now, I know it's getting dangerous for her so she's just at home. But I'm trying my best to come home early to be with her, to take care of her, and to love her minute by minute..


So today, I'm gonna have a meeting this afternoon. I drove Max to his school and I headed to my building

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