Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

I fluttered my eyes slowly and saw an Angel. God..Am I in heaven now? 

I rubbed my eyes and saw the angel. I then I smiled

She slowly fluttered her eyes and smiled

"Good Morning Baby.." She said in her sleepy sexy voice

And oh..It's Jennifer

Everyday morning, Ι am waking up hugging her in my arms. Every morning, Ι am waking up thinking how blessed Ι am I.

My arms are wrapped around her as her head is on my chest

How I love waking up next to her every morning

"Good Morning, My Queen.." I said and kissed her forehead as I stroked her hair

"Good Morning, Charlotte.." I whispered and massage her tummy as she giggles

She slowly rubbed her head against my jaw and pecked it

The warmth of her hugs gives me chills. When I'm with her, i feel like I'm in heaven

We're embracing each other until i heard my stomach growls. Jennifer looked at me and laughed hard

"Come on, Let's go! I'll cook a breakfast for you." She said as she giggles

She's about to get up but i grabbed her arm and made her laid on the bed as I go on top of her giving sweet kisses on her face down to neck while tickling her. She couldn't stop form laughing so hard

"Harry..Sttopp!!!' She said breathing heavily

"My wife smells good..!" I said as she giggles

I continued putting soft kisses on her neck as she moans softly

"Come on! Let's go downstairs!" I said as I get off of her but she flipped me over and now she's on top of me. She held both of my wrist over my head while she's straddling me

"You teased me!" She said and smirked

"No I didn't!" I said laughing.

"No. You did!" She said

I swallowed

"Okay. I did.." I whispered and laughed softly

Then she kissed me passionately. I can't move my hands cause she grip both of it. She introduced her tongue and played it inside my mouth. She kissed me hard and passionately. I could say,

I am the luckiest man alive by having her as my wife

Her wet kisses went down to my neck as she sucked it hard. Finally she let go of my hands. I immediately squeezed her ass as she moans softly. I pulled her neck and kissed her torridly while she's rubbing my friend. I could feel my boner coming out.

Our tongues are fighting for dominance as she rubbed me faster. Then she went down and pulled my boxer off and looked at me. She smirked as I shook my head

This woman..

Then she licked the tip of it while rubbing the rest

I groaned cause of what she's giving me

Then she sucked it faster. I could feel i'm coming in any seconds. She went deeper as I helped her head to move up and down until i reached my climax. I exploded inside of her mouth

She went up to kissed my lips passionately while I'm rubbing her thighs

"Satisfied?" She smirked

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