I'll Love You Until I Love you Again

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I walked through the block and spotted the corner house which as said by Ram, was Dk's house.
Finally I got to the house and barely kept my jaw from dropping.

A very beautiful house stood in front of me painted in a very pretty shade of ivory and brown.
The balcony (s) of the house was covered with beautiful creepers while the front door stood all tall and silver.

The house was rather beautiful but at that moment I couldn't help but think that the thing which is beautiful from outside is not necessarily that beautiful from the inside too.

But, but Dk lived in this house, it had to be beautiful right? Full of happiness and lovely vibes. I hesitated while opening the front gate but did anyways. A small flight of stairs made me reach the door which seemed to be made of silver. I lifted my hand to press the door bell,

when suddenly with a click, the door unlocked and opened itself.

My eyes widened in surprise but my feet continued to take me inside. The house looked big.





I walked inside and saw a big living room attached with the dining room. Everything was beautiful but still looked dark.
I looked around but saw absolutely no sign of Dk.

"Dk?" I called but got no answer.

Krishna's POV:

"Dk" she called and I shut my eyes tight.

Yes, I had seen her entering my house, yes I had witnessed her pale face when she entered this house, I, I only had given my address to Ram so he could give it to her. I did everything yet I couldn't do anything at this moment.

"Dk??'' Her voice saddened as she called my name. I didn't answer her. I couldn't.

"Dk, where are you?" She called and I couldn't do anything but listen to her calls. "D-Dk, I - I had to tell you something, where are you, are you fine? " I heard her panicked voice and couldn't stop the tears which rolled down my face.

"d- Krishna!" She called and her voice broke. I immediately pressed my hands tightly on my lips to hide the whimper that escaped my mouth.

"K-Krishna! Where are you?"She asked and choked a sob. I mirrored her action.

"Where are you?I-I don't have anywhere else to go and search for you. W-where are you? You aren't....... leaving me r-right? N-not this time rig-" She couldn't complete her sentence and started crying. I too started crying seeing her like this. My beautiful, beautiful Radhe was in tears, once again, she was in pain because of me, once again, but - but I had no choice. I was forced to do everything. If it would've been in my control I wouldn't have left my Radhe for even a single millisecond. She is my breath, and I can't survive without her and that's why I, I had to do this, I have to do this.
I tried to hint her about this by that assignment but...


That day, that fortunate day when Radhe had finally remembered her past, finally remembered her life and finally realized who I was was the day when everything finished.

That day when everyone had completed there assingment and there were only me, Lalita and Radhe there, at that time Radhe was seeing visions of her past. Lalita was worried for her but I assured her that it was nothing and was meant to happen. But when she started crying, even I panicked. I immediately held her hand and tried to give her all of my very little powers which I was given. Seeing her crying was something that I could never tolerate. I kissed her knuckles gently but she was busy crying and so she didn't realize that feeling but thankfully she realized who was I and who were we.

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