Chapter Four

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Amelia's POV

I curled up on my bed and hugged my pillow tightly. Even after all these years, Daniel was still able to get under my skin and hurt me. I'd always known that he had a smug showman side when he was performing, but it seemed like he'd changed a lot since I'd last seen him. How dare he say something like that about me? Especially in front of the other Horseman. He had no idea even to this day, the true reason behind our break-up, and I had no intention of telling him.

I glanced up as Caitlin entered the room and perched on the bed beside me.

"Don't listen to him, he's just an arrogant jerk." she said.

"Yeah but he's right." I stated, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You can't let him dig up all this stuff again, you've only just got over it." she sighed.

"I'll never get over it." I admitted sadly.

"Maybe you should tell him the truth about what happened?" she suggested.

"Why would I want to do that?" I frowned.

"Because maybe it'll give you closure and you'll finally be able to come to terms with it." she said thoughtfully.

"Telling him won't fix it, I'll just feel even more ashamed." I muttered.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, it wasn't your fault." she said gently.

"Can we please talk about something else." I said quickly.

"Okay let's talk about why you're going away with them." she asked.

"I don't have a choice, I can't afford to lose my job." I pointed out.

"But are you going to cope with being around Daniel all the time?" she sighed.

"I'll just keep out of his way." I mumbled.

"Do you want me to come with you?" she offered.

"No, it's okay, you have to work and I don't know how long I'll be gone, it could be months." I pointed out sadly.

It would have meant the world to me for her to accompany me on this trip. I barely knew any of the horseman and now I would be on the road with them for months. Without my sister around I would have nobody to talk too. It would be like I was alone in the world.

"If you need anything, you call me okay." she said gently, pulling me into a hug.

"Of course I will." I smiled, hugging her tightly.


I gazed out of the window as Arthur's private jet finally took off. The landscape rushed by as we climbed in altitude. My eyes snapped up as I heard Henley laughing loudly at something Merritt said. Mine and Daniel's eyes locked from across the jet. I frowned as I saw him sigh, stand up and walk towards me. My heart began to thump against my chest as he gradually got closer and closer to me. He hovered awkwardly and leant against the seat in front of me.

"I want to apologise for what I said earlier." he said nervously.

I stared at him and scoffed skeptically. Sorry wasn't a word that was usually in Daniel's vocabulary.

"No really, I mean it." he tried.

"Okay whatever." I said dismissivly.

"We need to learn to get along, maybe we can at least be friends." he suggested.

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed.

"I guess not." he sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"Hey." Jack said as he came and sat next to me, the two of us glancing awkwardly at Daniel who was still hovering.

"Do you want to see a card trick?" Jack asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Okay pick a card." he said, holding the deck out in front of me.

I quickly picked a random card.

"Now look at it, remember it and place it back in the deck." he instructed.

He watched me closely as I looked at my card, the seven of diamonds, and placed it back into the deck.

"Okay now point to where you think it is in the deck." he told me.

I could feel his eyes on me as I reached over and touched the deck. He slowly removed the card that I pointed to and smiled cheekily at me.

"Is this your card?" he asked, showing me the ace of spades.

I shook my head slowly and watched as he quickly flipped the card and the seven of diamonds appeared.

"Wow that was amazing." I breathed.

"Why thank you." he said proudly.

"You do realise that's my trick." Daniel snapped.

"Oh grow up Daniel." I snapped back.

He glared at me but continued watching us closely.

"Do you want to see something cool?" I asked Jack, deciding to blank Daniel in the hope that he would go away and leave me alone.

"Of course." Jack said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I laughed at his adorable cheeky expression. There was something about him that I found adorable. He watched me closely as I rummaged in my bag and pulled out a rubik's cube.

"Okay take the cube." I stated as I handed the cube to Jack.

"Now twist it around so that it's not complete and then place it in this bag." I told him as I held out a brown paper bag.

He did as I asked and gently placed the cube into the bag. He smiled as I winked at him and snapped my fingers. I nodded at him, giving him the silent cue to reach into the bag. He gasped as he reached into the bag and pulled out a completed cube. I quickly scrunched up the bag to show him that it was empty and smiled in satisfaction as I handed the empty bag to him.

Jack gazed at me in awe as I finished the trick, I could feel Daniel's eyes on me. He'd taught me the tricks when we'd been dating. Part of me was wondering if he was remembering the good times in the same way that I was.

"You should have been the fifth horseman." Jack teased.

"Very funny." I replied.

"No seriously you're amazing." Jack insisted.

"We could try and get you on one of the shows?" he added.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." I protested.

"Daniel, we could include her in one of the shows couldn't we?" Jack asked turning to Daniel.

"I guess so." Daniel shrugged.

"Mr Wilder, you are a bad influence!" I exclaimed, slapping his arm playfully.

He laughed and gently slapped my arm. I laughed with him as we continued playfully slapping each other. Eventually after a few moments we stopped and I smiled at Jack as he gazed at me intensely.

"Jack, we have a show to prepare for." Daniel snapped.

Jack sighed and quickly followed Daniel.

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