Chapter Eighteen

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Daniel's POV

As I watched Mia leaving the house, I found myself longing to follow her. It was like an invisible rope that wanted to pull me with her.

"I never wanted to get rid of you." I whispered as the front door clicked shut behind her.

I was just trying to protect her...she needed to make sure that she was far away from the flat for the next few hours. She couldn't get caught up in my mess again. Even though I was trying to protect her, she always assumed the worst of me. Why couldn't she see how much I cared about her and how much she still meant to me? I hadn't meant to hurt her, but I knew that it was the only way I could get her to leave the house.
My head snapped up as Jack walked in the door.

"Daniel, I don't know if I can do this, I don't want to go to jail." he said quietly.

"Just stick to the plan, stay here and burn everything." I said shortly, as I picked up my bag and left the house.

Amelia's POV

A couple of hours had passed and I slowly began to wander back to the flat. As I'd sat alone in a cafe watching the world from the window, I couldn't stop thinking about Daniel and his new 'lady friend'. I couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else. The pang of jealousy that I felt made me realise just how much I still wanted him. I hated that I wanted to be with him but yet I was afraid that he would hurt me again.

Eventually I reached the flat and gasped as I saw the police cars parked outside. My breath caught in my throat, what if the horseman had been caught again?

"Amelia?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around and found myself face to face with Alma.

"The two of you need to wait in the car." Dylan said sternly.

Alma nodded and took my arm, gently manhandling me into her car. I pressed my nose against the window of her car, desperately hoping that the four of them would be safe. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to Jack or Daniel. My eyes were instantly drawn to the doorway as I saw Jack come running out of the block of flats. He locked eyes with me for a moment before quickly climbing into one of the FBI cars and driving away, the tyres squealing with the effort. Dylan quickly ran over and climbed into the car with Alma and myself.

"Don't ever tell me to stay in the car!" she exclaimed.

"Okay fine, go!" he shouted back.

Alma pushed the accelerator to the floor, the force of it forcing me back in my seat.

My heart was in my mouth as we drove at high speed after Jack. We hurtled around corners at terrifying speeds. I couldn't help but feel slightly scared...both cars were driving at dangerous speeds. I gasped as Jack swirved in between two cars, narrowly missing the car on his inside. If he was to misjudge the driving, he could be seriously injured and I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him. I needed him, more than he realised.

Daniel's POV

I flinched slightly as I drove in the taxi next to Jack. We needed to make sure that our timing was impeccable, if anything was to go wrong the repercussions could be devastating.

"We need to wait until we reach the bridge." Henley told me on the earpiece, referring to the fact that we were waiting to switch the cars, in order to fake Jack's death.

I rolled my eyes at her, I knew what I was doing, so she didn't need to keep reminding me. My stomach dropped as I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw that Mia was sitting in the FBI car. I'd sent her away so that she hadn't got caught up in this and now here she was, right in harms way. Part of me wanted to slam on the brakes and get her out of the car, but I knew that I couldn't. If the FBI agent made a mistake whilst driving at this speed my beautiful Mia could be hurt...or worse.

"Henley, we have to call it off." I said quickly.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Mia is in the back of the FBI car." I pointed out.

"So?" she sighed.

"Daniel don't you dare screw this up, you stick to the plan." she added sternly.

I sighed and quickly blocked in the FBI vehicle, so that Jack's car was obscured from their view. Merritt efficiently made the switch and I quickly pulled back into the other lane. As the fake car bounced off the barrier and rolled down the carriageway, I flinched as it passed me. I quickly pressed the accelerator and sped out the way of the out of control vehicle. My thoughts wandered to Mia once again, I had to hope that she would be safe.

Amelia's POV

My heart stopped as I saw Jack's car rolling down the carriageway. Alma slammed on the brakes and came to a stop as we watched it continue to roll. It almost seemed like time had frozen, like the car wasn't going to stop. I couldn't stop wincing as I thought about Jack, probably being crushed in the car.

When the car eventually came to a stop, Alma, Dylan and myself quickly ran out of the car. Dylan and another agent rushed over and began trying to pull Jack out of the car. I started to rush towards the car, but stopped when Alma took my arm.

"No, stay back." she said quietly.

"Get back Dylan!" the other FBI agent shouted as the underside of the car began to ignite.

I was frozen to the spot as the car exploded, sending fire and debris into the air...

AN: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, I wanted to include this from the movie, but I promise there is lots more drama to come ;)

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