Chapter Forty

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Jack glanced at me as I sat up and perched on the edge of the sofa. I took a couple of deep breaths and stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Bathroom." I replied, quickly rushing out of the room.

I ran upstairs, desperately trying not to vomit until I reached the bathroom, my morning sickness had become worse over the last couple of weeks. I cursed as I turned the bathroom doorknob and realised that it was locked. I quickly knocked at the door.

"Yeah." I heard Daniel's voice.

"Danny, please let me in, I'm going to be sick." I said quickly.

As I stood outside the door, I heard movement within the bathroom and a satisfying click as the door was unlocked. Once the door was unlocked I ran into the bathroom and threw up down the toilet. I glanced at Daniel and saw that he was in the bath. He smiled at me, leant over the bath and gently held my hair out of the way.

"OMG, I feel dreadful." I sighed, resting my elbow on the toilet seat.

"You do look a bit pale." he said.

"Gee thanks." I replied sarcastically.

He smiled slightly and watched me as I vomited again.

"Sorry." I said, feeling embarrassed that he had to see me like this.

"Don't apologise." he said quickly.

I quickly flushed the toilet and stood up slowly. I could feel Daniel's eyes on me as I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. He smiled at me as I crossed the room and sat down next to the bath. I couldn't help but stare at him as he sat in the bath. The way that his damp hair clung to his head, tiny water droplets dripping off the end, his blue eyes sparkling slightly as I gazed at him. The abs visible on his chest turned my legs to jelly. I rested my elbow on the bathtub and sighed.

"You have a small bump." he stated quietly as he gazed at me.

"Yeah I know." I replied.

"Mia?" he asked.

I nodded and gazed into his eyes.

"The baby is definitely mine, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, we've spoken about this." I sighed.

"I know, but I can't help the doubts." he admitted.

"I promise, the baby is yours." I insisted.

He nodded and smiled slowly. I smiled at him as I slowly sat forward and gently kissed him, smiling to myself as he gently kissed me back. I wanted him so badly, that I physically ached for him.

"Maybe I should get in with you?" I winked, slightly breathless.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." he replied.

I desperately tried to keep eye contact as he stood up and climbed out of the bath. I sighed in disappointment as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Danny, can't we try know.." I blushed.

"Your wound still hasn't healed." he said quickly.

"But...I want you." I whispered as I slowly walked over to him, teasing him as I kept my lips mere inches from his. He gazed down at me and smiled slightly.

"We'll wait until you are fully recovered." he insisted.

I sighed and turned away from him.

"I'll be fat by then." I sighed.

"Being pregnant is not the same as being fat." he chuckled.

"It's not exactly attractive though." I said quietly.

"Actually you're wrong...knowing that you're having my baby only makes me love and desire you more." he stated.

I smiled at his words and turned to face him again.

"I've been thinking about the baby." I said gently.

"What about the baby?" he asked nervously.

"I want to keep it a secret from your family." I whispered, placing my hand on my bump protectively.

"Why?" he frowned.

"Because your Mum is marrying Graham, they may even be married by now, so that means that he could claim Grandparents rights." I explained.

"Jeez, I hadn't thought of that." he said quietly.

I nodded slowly, I couldn't face the thought of the man that had such a big impact on my life, could be a part of my child's life. It made me feel sick just thinking about it. But I couldn't help but feel concerned about how Daniel might be feeling. By keeping the baby a secret we would be denying his Mum of a grandchild. As much as I would have loved both Violet and Joanne to be involved, the thought of having Graham anywhere near my child terrified me.

"I don't want that animal anywhere near our baby." Daniel stated eventually, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way." I whispered.

"Me too, but she chose to be with him and at the end of the day we have to protect our child." he agreed.

I smiled slightly at his words. He'd grown up so much in the last few months and it suddenly dawned on me that he would be a great father. He walked past me and stopped suddenly as I grabbed hold of the towel around his waist.

"What are you doing?" he asked, glancing down at my hand.

"Getting what I want." I grinned.

"I told you we can't." he sighed.

"Of course we can, we just have to be careful." I insisted.

He stared at me as I slowly pulled off my dress, causing him to gasp when he saw my sexy underwear.

"You are a bad influence." he said hoarsely as I gently pushed him against the bathroom wall and stared up at him through my eyelashes. He gently placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me gently, sighing in pleasure as I gently kissed his neck, my hands slowly moving down his chest towards the towel. He quickly pulled away from me and walked towards the bathroom door.

"Where are you going?" I asked disappointingly.

"We should probably lock the door." he beamed, before quickly locking the door and walking back towards me.

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