Chapter Eleven

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My head began to spin as I downed a second glass of wine. I hadn't been this tipsy in a long time, but I needed some escapism and this was the only way I could think of to achieve it. I placed my head in my hands and gently massaged my painful temples. I wanted to drill the bad memories out of my head. I'd give anything to be able to escape them. Maybe Merritt was right, maybe I should allow him to hypnotise me.

"How's it going trouble?" Jack asked.

" did you know where I was?" I frowned.

"You said you needed a drink, I figured the hotel bar was a good place to start." he grinned.

"Smart." I smiled.

"So what's the deal?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just being silly." I sighed.

He sighed and looked away from me.

"When are you going to let me in?" he asked quietly.

I watched him closely, deep in thought. As much as I wanted to open up to him I didn't know how too. I'd carried this secret for so long that I didn't know how to start telling someone about it. But on the other hand, maybe Merritt was right, maybe I did need someone that I could talk to about it. If I couldn't talk to Daniel, maybe I could talk to Jack. I glanced at him and saw that he was watching me closely, still waiting for me to answer his question.

"I don't know how too." I admitted.

"Just start talking and see what happens." he suggested.

"I'm not talking in here." I said quietly, looking around at the crowded bar.

He nodded and quickly took my hand. I smiled at him and followed as he lead me into the hotel lounge. As soon as we sat on the sofa he quickly rested his arm around my shoulders. I glanced up into his eyes and quickly looked away.

"I want to fix you, but I can't do that unless you talk to me." he whispered.

My skin tingled as he gently traced circles on my arm with his fingers. I looked into his eyes again and I knew in that moment that he truly cared for me and wanted to help. Maybe it was partly due to the alcohol, but I could slowly feel my guard lowering. Somehow Jack had managed to climb over the wall that I'd put up to protect myself.

"You mustn't tell anyone, especially Danny." I told him.

He frowned at me as I said 'Danny'. I hadn't meant to say it, it just kind of slipped out. I hadn't called him 'Danny' in years.

"Of course I won't." Jack reassured me, quickly recovering from his shock.

"Daniel and I broke up because I couldn't bring myself to sleep with him and we stopped communicating." I mumbled.

"Why, did he do something?" he asked.

"No, it wasn't his fault." I sighed.

"Everything changed when I was seventeen, we'd been dating for about a year and things were great with the two of us, but then it happened." I said.

"What did?" he frowned.

I took a deep breath, my hands shaking as I recalled the memories of the worst day of my life. Up until this point Caitlin was the only person that I'd told...I never wanted anyone else to know. To feel the horror and the shame that I felt, but I knew in my heart that Jack would understand. He was one of only a few people that I could trust.

"Hey, it's okay." he said gently, as he wiped away the tears that were slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"It was the day of Daniel's nineteenth birthday party, he went home from school early but I got a detention so I had to stay behind." I voice cracking as I prepared to tell someone my biggest secret that I hadn't spoken about in five years.

"You got detention, I never saw you as a bad girl." Jack chuckled slightly, clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"And..." I started but trailed off as my voice broke.

"Ssshh it's okay." he whispered in my ear, as he gently stroked my hair.

"The teacher assaulted me!" I sobbed, quickly placing my head in my hands and sobbing. My whole body shook with the force of my sobs. I could feel Jack holding me tightly, but nothing that he did was helping...there was no comfort to be had.

"Your teacher sexually assaulted you." Jack breathed.

I knew that he didn't mean to be insensitive, but he was in shock from what he'd just been told. I turned to face him, causing him to gasp when he saw my tear stained face. I nodded slowly.

"That's why you couldn't face sleeping with Daniel because it reminded you of what you'd been through." he muttered.

"It was like every time Daniel touched me, I would get flashbacks of what happened...and I guess part of me blamed Daniel. He always said that he would protect me, but the one time that I needed him, he wasn't there." I said sadly.

"That's not his fault, he didn't know." he pointed out.

"I know." I whispered.

"You should have told him, he could have taken care of you." he said quietly.

"Maybe but he looked up to the teacher and also I was so ashamed, I felt dirty and tarnished. I wanted to give my virginity to Daniel but instead it was stolen from me." I said sadly.

"Didn't he notice anything?" he frowned.

"No, he was at his birthday party, Caitlin drove me to the hospital and by the time I saw Daniel the following day, the bruises on my face had calmed down. I just told him that I fell over." I explained.

"I lost Daniel because of that disgusting man....I still see his face in my nightmares." I added.

"Why did you have to go to the hospital?" Jack asked worridly.

I glanced up at him and smiled slightly. It had been so long since I'd had someone who cared for me and wanted to protect me that I'd forgotten what it felt like.

"Why do you think?" I whispered.

"He damaged you?" he asked, sounding slightly angry.

I nodded slowly. "I was only seventeen and he wasn't exactly gentle." I answered, my cheeks colouring.

"My god Amelia, you've been through hell." he whispered as he pulled me into his arms. I rested my head against his chest and allowed the tears to flow freely.

Jack's POV

I held her tightly as she continued crying silently to herself. I'd known all along that she had secrets, but I had never expected anything like that, and yet I still felt like she was hiding something.

That scumbag had taken advantage of a young vulnerable girl, who was still suffering as a result of his actions. It made me sick thinking of her...completely helpless...calling for help....but none arrived.

"You'll get through this." I whispered in her ear.

I looked over her head as a movement caught my eye. My breath caught in my throat as I watched the staircase. Mine and Daniel's eyes locked as I noticed him sitting on the stairs and in that instant I knew that he'd heard everything.

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