Chapter Nine

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Jack asked me for about the tenth time.

"I'm fine honestly." I sighed.

As pleased as I was that he cared about me, the constant nagging was becoming frustrating. Especially when he'd been constantly asking me all the way to the next city.

"What DVD do you want to watch?" Jack offered when we eventually arrived at the hotel.

I shrugged and smiled slightly as I saw his disappointed expression.

"We could watch a horror movie, so that I can hug you when you get scared." he winked cheekily.

"Dream on Mr Wilder!" I said, bursting out laughing.

"Just choose a damn DVD." he laughed.

He glared at me as I pouted and shook my head slowly. I watched as he crossed the room and began to tickle me.

"No, get away!" I squealed in protest. He laughed and continued tickling me. Eventually he stopped and laughed as I pushed him away from me.

"Rather than watching a DVD, can't we just go out somewhere?" I suggested.

"If that's what you want." he agreed.

Daniel's POV

My heart plummeted as I watched Mia leave the house with Jack. It was obvious that they had grown close over the last few days and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. There was a time when we were close and would tell each other our innermost feelings, but all of that was long gone. Even after all this time I still missed her and the connection that we once had. But I'd lost her and even though my reasons had been valid, I knew that I was to blame. I just wish that I knew what had happened to change our relationship. We'd been so happy until something changed her at the age of seventeen. Shortly after my nineteenth birthday, she began to retreat into herself and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break down her barriers.

"You'll get frown lines Daniel." Merritt chuckled as he sat opposite me at the table.

I smiled slightly and sat silently, picking at the table.

"What's going on?" Merritt asked.

"Is there a problem with the second show?" he added when I didn't answer quick enough.

"No, I'm just thinking about Mia." I sighed.

"Maybe you need to go for some private time then." he chuckled.

"That's not funny." I sighed.

"You need to tell her how you feel." he suggested.

"There's no point, things will be no different than they were three years ago." I pointed out.

"You can't blame her, she's been through a lot." he stated.

"Wait....what?!" I said sharply. Was he suggesting what I thought he was? Had she confided in him, when she couldn't confide in me?

He nodded slowly.

"She told you?" I whispered.

"No, I figured it out." he said.

"So you know what's been bothering her?" I asked.

"Yeah." he answered.

"Tell me then." I stated.

"Don't be ridiculous, that's not fair." he protested.

"I don't care what is fair, I need to know what I did!" I exclaimed.

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