Chapter 5 - Untitled

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(You're all just satanists! Why can't you just accept Jesus? It would make your life so much more enjoyable! You would never have to worry again.)

     Starpaw stuttered, "I... I..." She was so confused! Both of these cats had asked her to be their mates! What was she supposed to do? They were both so handsome and everything, and already had mates! But she loved them both! Firestar was so kind and obviously liked her a lot, but Graystripe was so funny and cool...

     "I can't!" exclaimed Starpaw before she turned tail and fled into the forest. It was too much; she couldn't choose!

     Starpaw ran and ran until her hurting paws began to burn. The she-cat gasped when she realized that she crossed the border. Oh no! she thought. ShadowClan will get me!

     "What are you doing here?" demanded Blackstar, who had just emerged from the bushes.

     "I'm so sorry!" Starpaw meowed, pressing herself to the ground worriedly. "I-I didn't mean to cross the border!"

     "That's okay," shrugged Blackstar coolly. "No one's perfect."

     "No, that's not true," Starpaw immediately shot back, standing up. "StarClan is."

     "What do you mean?" Blackstar asked.

     "Well, they give us a lot of help and stuff," said Starpaw. "Without them, we would be lost."

     "I suppose that's true," Blackstar nodded, then purred silkily, "Besides, I didn't really mean it that way."

     "Oh, really? Why?" asked Starpaw.

     Blackstar slowly crept closer to her. "Because, you are."

     "What?!" Starpaw yowled, jumping away when Blackstar tried to nuzzle her. "What are you trying to do? Molest me?!"

     "Bu –" Blackstar tried to explain, but Starpaw cut him off angrily.

     "No!" hissed the ThunderClan apprentice. "I don't need another tom after me! I have enough problems right now anyway!"

     "But you're perfect," Blackstar meowed desperately, trying to get her to change her mind. "You defeated me in battle. You have to be!"

     "No!" shrieked Starpaw before running back into ThunderClan territory. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It's too much, the she-cat thought. StarClan help me!

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