Chapter 19 - The New Love

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(Stupid flamers! You're all satanists! Jesus is your savior! Why can't you just accept that? Also, I'm not a troll! People tell me that I'm very pretty! Btw Jazz, are you happy with the last chapter? I know I promised to make you deputy.)

Everyone at the Gathering gasped. "What are you doing here, Fireheart?!" Gleamstar asked.

"It's Firestar now, and I took over ShadowClan," the ginger warrior replied happily. "I went into their territory, and they told me that Blackstar was dead when they found me. They said he committed suicide out of depression."

"Oh my gosh, but that's a sin!" Gleamstar yowled.

     "I know, right?" agreed Firestar. "But he was just so sad that you wouldn't be his mate."

     Gleamstar spent a moment in sadness, but then remembered that her and Hawky-kun were getting married! The purple leader was happy again.

     She raced towards the Great Oak, and the other cats wondered why she was so happy. It's because of our marriage, Hawkfrost thought.

     "Cats of all Clans!" she announced. "I have some good news!"

     "What is it, Gleamstar?" they all asked.

     "Hawkfrost and I are... getting married!" the purple she-cat responded.

     The other Clans cheered and were pleased! Some, however, were envious that they didn't get to be Gleamstar's mate. But they were happy anyways, because they knew what was best for her.

     "Let the marriage begin!"

     But before the marriage could happen... there was a yowl! "I want to be her mate!" said a voice from above.

     "StarClan?!" gasped Gleamstar.

     "No!" the voice snapped. "It's... the Dark Forest!"

     And suddenly, dark clouds swirled around, covering the beautiful sky. Thunder rolled and raindrops fell, and there was a sudden lightning strike! It struck Gleamstar, and it hurt like a fire.

     Gleamstar could feel herself slowly losing a life as she slumped to the ground.

     Gleamstar gasped as she awoke. She was in the Dark Forest; she could tell by the rancid scent and the black sky. She wondered who the voice may have belonged to.

     "Blackstar," she whispered to herself, then wondered if Blackstar was really a bad cat.

     But then, Gleamstar saw a shape in the distance. "Blackstar...?" she meowed. "It's me, Gleamstar..."

     The cat turned around, and his pelt was pale gray with darker flecks. Gleamstar gasped. It was Ashfur!

     Ashfur examined the she-cat before him, then giggled. "You're beautiful... like Squirrelflight... Will you be my mate?"

     "No!" Gleamstar replied.

     Ashfur's smug look was replaced with one that was filled with hurt. "What do you mean?" he asked as a shadow loomed over him. It was... Brokenstar?!

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