Chapter 34 - New Lives

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(Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I was really busy trying to write a story for national novel writing. I got ten thousand words! Also, I turned 21 on the eleventh! :D But anyway, here is the new chapter. I should be updating like I used to now.)

There were three kits that Stargleam had. One was a gold-colored kit with real soft and fluffy fur, one had a bright orange pelt, and the other looked similar to a tiger. Despite being in agony, Stargleam mustered an affectionate purr.

"What're you going to call them?" Jazzstar asked. "It's not my choice, remember? I mean, you're the one who had the kits!"

Hmm, thought Stargleam. She pondered for a moment before finally announcing, "I think the golden one will be called Fluffykit, the orange one will be Firekit, and the striped one will be called Tigerkit."

The entire Clan gasped. "How can you name him Tigerkit?!" Berrynose demanded.

"Don't you know what he did?!" Brambleclaw snapped, tail lashing. "He almost killed me!" [aand Brambleclaw has been resurrected]

"Yes, I know," Stargleam nodded. "But have you forgotten that he's also my dad? Besides, I like the name."

"Okay, yeah, I guess," Brambleclaw grumbled, then padded away, still upset. Stargleam wished he wasn't so secretive.

"I like the names," Jazzstar meowed, and she bent over to lick Stargleam on the head. "They're beautiful kits."

"I know," giggled Stargleam, "and we'll love them forever and ever."

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