Chapter 15 - The Nine Lives

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     Suddenly, as Stargleam was leaving, there was a noise from the bushes, and ShadowClan appeared! There was Tallpoppy, Littlecloud, Redstorm, Owlpad, Scorchwind, (They're from the allegiances. I made them warriors, and they don't appear in the books.) Cedarheart, Tawnypelt, and Russetfur! All of Blackstar's strongest warriors. Stargleam's molting orange eyes swirled with surprise. What are they going to do?

     "Stargleam," meowed Blackstar sadly. "You can't become leader! Then it would be impossible for us to have kits!"

     "I've got to, Blackstar," Stargleam sighed. "It's my destiny. You can't fight it!"

     "No!" the ShadowClan leader yowled. "I don't want to lose you!"

     "It's okay," Fireheart meowed. He was now called that since he was no longer leader. The ginger tom hadn't left yet.

     "Yeah," nodded Graystripe. "We loved her, too."

     "Oh... okay," Blackstar meowed sadly. The three toms all walked away. Stargleam was glad; she had a new love, anyway. She didn't want to deal with this right now.

     Stargleam announced that her deputy would be Lionblaze, and he took the Clan back to camp. Her, Jayfeather, and Fireheart all headed for the Moonpool.

     "I can't believe it!" Stargleam commented after a long walk of awkward silence.

     "I can," replied Jayfeather, who was purring with pride. "You're a great leader, Stargleam. I've always known that since the first day I saw you."

     "Really?" Stargleam asked in wonder.

     "Really," her father nodded. She purred happily. For the first time in a long time, Stargleam was really happy! She had so many toms chasing after her, but now it would all be okay!

     They were all close to the Moonpool now, and Stargleam was starting to get a little nervous. What if StarClan doesn't like me as a leader?

     They all entered the place where the Moonpool rested. It was a shiny, round, crystal clear pool. Stargleam had never seen anything to beautiful in her life before.

     "I'm so proud of you," Fireheart meowed, his green eyes twinkling. Stargleam purred to him before approaching the pool and lapping up some water.

     At first, it was dark. Stargleam opened her eyes and saw that she was in a starry forest. Many stars dotted the navy blue sky. Like me, she thought, thinking about the star on her forehead. Then, they shined brighter than before, and turned into cats! Cats that were either handsome or beautiful. StarClan!

     "Are you ready?" asked one of them in the front.

     "Yes," replied Stargleam while trembling with nervousness and excitement.

     One of them came up. It was a blue-gray she-cat with a silver-tinged muzzle and ice blue eyes. "Bluestar," Stargleam whispered, awestruck.

     "With this life, I give you leadership," Bluestar meowed, touching Stargleam's nose with her own. It hurt, like a freezing cold tundra where icicles would pierce your skin! Bluestar padded away, and Stargleam wondered how much more of those she could take. It hurt so much, she trembled.

     "With this life, I give you courage," Yellowfang meowed after strolling up to Stargleam and touching noses with her. Stargleam felt a thousand needles – one of a porcupine – piercing her, and the she-cat swallowed down a screech of pain.

     Brambleclaw came next. He solemnly placed his nose on Stargleam's forehead. [And apparently Brambleclaw is dead.] The feeling of steel-sharp claws slashed at Stargleam's body, feeling a lot like Tigerstar's claws!

     Whitestorm padded over next. "With this life, I give you strength. Use it well to protect your Clan."

     Runningwind came up. "With this life, I give you knowledge." A fire blazed throughout Stargleam's body, and it was an indescribable pain.

     She got the life of motherly love from Brindleface, Tallstar's was quickness, and a life from Stonefur for bravery. The purple she-cat was shaking heavily. She didn't know if she could make it!

     And then, from the crowd, a giant lion emerged! Stargleam gasped.

     "This is Thunderstar," Tallstar informed her. "He was the first leader of ThunderClan. Or at least when it was called LionClan."

     Stargleam could hardly breathe. She was so excited and honored! "I can't believe that it's really you, Thunderstar," she whispered in awe.

     "It's me," said the lion. He touched his massive nose to hers, and the pain was unbearable. Stargleam thought she was going to die! "With this life, I give you heat. You had a really strong heart before, but now it is stronger than ever before! Thank you for giving commandments to the Clans. What would StarClan do without you? Now, I will give you a name."

     "Wait!" Stargleam shouted, stopping the lion from speaking. "I don't want my name to be Starstar, because that would be stupid! I want to be called Gleamstar!"

     "Very well," said Thunderstar, dipping his head to Stargleam. He would listen to her because she was special. "I now pronounce you... Gleamstar!'

     But as the StarClan cats began to cheer, there was a sudden darkness! The blackness swallowed everything! Gleamstar could taste and see blood. Then, Hollyleaf and Tigerstar were in her vision. She saw them taking over the Clans, and there was an army of rogues. Cats were dying! And then... there was a cat surrounded by a golden light! It was Hawkfrost! He made all the bad things disappear.

     "Noo!" yowled Gleamstar, waking up. She just couldn't be in love with the Dark Forest warrior! She just couldn't!

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