Chapter 6 - Decisions

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(Stop flaming! If you're a flamer, then you're a satanist and will burn in hell!)

Last time on Starkit's Prophecy...

"No!" shrieked Starpaw before running back into ThunderClan territory. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It's too much, the she-cat thought. StarClan help me!

     After the encounter with Blackstar, Starpaw padded through the forest. She was so depressed! How was she supposed to pick? Then, she saw her father, Jayfeather, coming through the forest towards her.

     "Jayfeather, I'm soo confused! What do I do?!" Starpaw suddenly yelled at her father in stress. "There are three toms after me! Three!"

     "I know," meowed Jayfeather, and he had a happy expression on his face. "That's good for you. It means that cats like you." Starpaw's father sniffed around for herbs after saying all of that to his daughter.

     "No, it's not! I love all of them!" Starpaw wailed. "I don't now who to pick!"

     "Well then, let me tell you a story," Jayfeather meowed, sitting down. "Once upon a time, there were a few cats that I liked."

     "Who were they?" asked Starpaw, sniffing after her tantrum.

     "Their names were Dawnsparkle and... Stick," said Jayfeather.

     "Oh my gosh, Stick..." Starpaw whispered before yelling, "You were in love with a stick?!" She couldn't believe it. After all this time, she found out that her father loved a stick. Starpaw gasped in shock.

     "What did you do?" she asked because she was just curious.

     "Well, I couldn't have kits with a stick, now, could I?" Jayfeather replied, though he looked confused. He didn't even know she was going to ask that question!

     "So you went with Dawnsparkle instead!" cheered Starpaw, looking very happy. Her expression suddenly dropped, though. "But, that doesn't help me... What am I supposed to do?"

     "Follow your heart," said Jayfeather wisely. "Who do you want to be with?"

     Hmm... Starpaw thought for a moment before her eyes beamed.

     "Firestar!" the apprentice announced, then raced off to go tell him that she loved him.

(No flames!)

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