Chapter 16 - The Return

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     Gleamstar shook her head as she fully woke up from the dream. Fireheart was staring at her, green eyes widened.

     "Gleamstar, you were talking in your sleep. Are you okay?" he asked. Jayfeather looked upset as well.

     "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," Gleamstar responded, slowly getting up. "I just had a bad dream, that's all. It was nothing."

     "If you're sure..." Fireheart meowed. The ThunderClan cats then left the Moonpool and headed back to camp.

     "Gleamstar! You're back!" the Clan cats cheered, crowding around their new leader. Lakepool and Redpaw looked sad, though, because Gleamstar said they couldn't be in love. But Gleamstar ignored them; she knew she had to do something more important.

     "Lionblaze," she said, looking at the golden deputy. "I need you to take a patrol to the ShadowClan border. Inform Blackstar that I'm the leader now." Gleamstar turned and padded over to the Highledge where her new den was, even thought everyone was trying to ask questions about the ceremony. "Guys, let me get some sleep," the purple leader ordered, shooing them away. "Let me have a night to myself!"

     The ThunderClan cats all began to pad away while grumbling. "She never lets us have any fun," Berrynose complained. "That's not kawaii at all."

     Gleamstar ignored her Clanmtes and entered the den, then sat down and waited for Fireheart.

     It wasn't long before Fireheart came in with news. "I'm leaving ThunderClan," the ginger tom meowed before leaving the den.

     Gleamstar jumped up and dashed after her former leader. "Wait!" she yowled. "Where are you going?"

     "Well, I can't be leader, so I'm just going to leave for a while," Fireheart meowed, turning to face Gleamstar. "Maybe I'll be a rogue, or join SkyClan. Who knows?" Fireheart then left, racing into the forest. Gleamstar was sad at first, because that was her mentor, as well as one of the cats she loved. But it was alright, because that's what he wanted to do.

     "It's okay, Gleamstar," said a voice, and Hawkfrost appeared out of nowhere. "I mean, I love you, so it's all good."

     "I know," purred Gleamstar. She wrapped her tail around Hawkfrost's and licked his muzzle. She didn't care that he was a rogue; she loved him. And now they could be together!

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