Chapter 3 - Training Under the Stars

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(Oh my gosh, guys, I'm so sorry! But someone – *glares at Rainy Days* –  flamed me and I got really hurt. Okay, if you don't like the story, then you don't have to read it, you know!)

     ShadowClan ran away from the camp, yowling in defeat. Starpaw cheered. She'd won! No one could hurt her family now!

     "Starpaw," Firestar meowed, padding up to her, "it's time we train! I want to show you how to fight!" Both the mentor and apprentice had no major wounds to be checked out by Jayfeather.

     "Okay!" said Starpaw happily, but then asked, "Wait, you just saw I could fight, right?"

     "Well, yeah," scoffed Firestar. "But I wanted to see if that was all you knew."

     "Oh, okay." They then went into the forest together as the other cats stayed in camp to clean up the bodies.

     Once the two were in the training hollow, Firestar turned to his apprentice. "Okay, Starpaw," said fiery tomcat as he flexed his claws in and out. "We'll start with how to dodge."

     "Come on, that's too easy!" Starpaw complained with a roll of her eyes. She had just beat Blackstar in battle! She was ready for anything!

     "Okay, okay!" Firestar shrugged. "Let's learn how to claw an opponent. You see, there are different techniques on how to –"

     "Yeah!" yowled Starpaw, already leaping at her mentor, claws outstretched. Firestar didn't have time to attack when she raked her claws along his side. Starpaw's mentor was shocked, and his wound had started to bleed.

     "Wow, Starpaw," he said, looking up at her with his green gaze. "You're doing awesome!"

     "Really?" gasped the purple apprentice. She didn't think she was doing that good... Was she really that good, like the prophecy foretold?

     "Yes, Starpaw!" Firestar snarled as he got up, blood still leaking from the scratches. "I couldn't even get away fast enough! Only Scourge did that before."

     "Oh my gosh, really?" Starpaw exclaimed with surprise. Scourge? The Scourge? She had heard of him so much. The deceased tom was really evil, and he killed a lot of cats. "I'm like Scourge?!"

     "I-I didn't mean it like that!" Firestar meowed quickly. "I meant that you were a good fighter. It's really cool." During that moment, the leader thought to himself, Starpaw's so kawaii. Look at her eyes and her fur!

     "Oh, okay. Thanks," Starpaw purred, nodding her head in understanding. The mentor and apprentice trained in the hollow for a while. Starpaw defeated Firestar eight times, but she let him win once to make him feel better. By the last session, she was tired.

     "Hey, Firestar, can we hunt now?" Starpaw asked, standing up from her fighting position. "I'm kind of hungry..."

     "Oh, we will, if you want." Firestar replied, slightly disappointed; him and Starpaw had been having so much fun.

     So, they went hunting. Starpaw messed up a couple times, but Firestar would say that it was okay since it was only her second time. Second, because she had her first time when she was a little kit. Her and Firestar had snuck out together and hunted then, and that's why he chose her as his apprentice.

     Later that night, Starpaw looked up at the shining stars. She and Firestar had so much fun today, and they brought back enough food for the entire Clan.

     The apprentice looked up at Silverpelt, then turned to her best friend, Jazzpaw. She had been sitting there with Starpaw after she finished eating. "Do you think we'll ever be in StarClan?" Starpaw asked.

     "Yeah, totally," replied Jazzpaw confidently. "I mean, you'll be leader one day, and I'll be deputy, so we'll have to!"

     "Yeah!" Starpaw agreed, nodding. She loved Jazzpaw; (Not in that way, you sickos!) they were best friends. She looked up at the stars again, then purred and curled up, falling asleep with the voices of StarClan whispering in her ears.

(Reviews are my life!)

(Lol, you like it, Jazzy? I made you as kawaii as I could!)

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