Chapter 9 - The Rescue

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     "Everyone, follow me!" meowed Stargleam as she charged for the entrance of the camp. Tears streamed down her face as the ThunderClan cats followed her. She was so sad that her father died and her leader was kidnapped.

     The Clan cats stopped in the middle of the forest, and Stargleam turned around to face them. "Flamepaw, Lakepaw, Birchfall, Mom, Lionblaze! Follow me!" she said. "I need a patrol!"

     Stargleam and her patrol ran through the forest, their paws barely skimming the ground. I'm going to kill Hollyleaf for what she's done!

     Stargleam screeched out the loudest battle cry she could muster, then used her nose to track down the evil cats. Her heart burned on the inside.

     Soon, the patrol found them. Hollyleaf and Firestar were behind a large boulder. Hollyleaf evilly mrrowed with laughter as she placed her claws on Firestar's throat. "I've got you now!"

     Stargleam gasped when she saw the scene. "Noo, Firestar!" she screamed before ordering, "Flamepaw, attack!"

     Flamepaw threw herself at Hollyleaf. The dark warrior was surprised once she saw the fire-colored apprentice. "What?! How could they have followed me?!" She then dodged Flamepaw, green eyes flashing.

     "No, Flamepaw!" Lakepaw wailed, seeing that her sister was about to die. "I love you, Flamepaw!" The tabby she-cat then growled and jumped in front of Hollyleaf, defensively blocking her sister.

     Hollyleaf's outstretched paw hit Lakepaw right in the throat, and the apprentice fell down, blood pooling near her neck.

     "Noo!" Stargleam cried. "Lakepaw!" She ran towards Hollyleaf, but it was no use. Lakepaw's life was already draining from her body. "I love you... Stargleam," the tabby she-cat whispered before her beautiful blue eyes closed.

     "No! Wake up, Lakepaw!" Stargleam whimpered. She was so sad and depressed, and hot tears were falling from her eyes.

     Hollyleaf cackled evilly. "You just don't get it, do you? I'm one of the Three! I have powers beyond your imagining!" And then, with a cloud of white smoke, Hollyleaf changed form. The black she-cat turn into... a bear!

     The Clan cats all gasped with horror.

     "I'm a shapeshifter!" Hollyleaf roared joyfully.

     "Stargleam," Flamepaw sniffed. "I need to go back to camp. I got to bury Lakepaw. But, I've never been out of camp before... How do you get back?"

     "You just go to the east," Stargleam replied soothingly to her sister.

     "Thanks," Flamepaw mewled, in tears. She picked up Lakepaw's limp body and placed her on her back before racing away.

     "Not so fast!" exclaimed Hollyleaf, who was still a bear. "You're not going to get away that easily!" With a roar that sounded like an erupting volcano, she leaped viciously at Stargleam.

     Everyone gasped. "Noo!" yowled Stargleam as something large and sharp landed squarely on her back. "You can't get me that easily!" [I translated what it says, and I still don't know what's happening.]

     Everyone screeched and jumped at Holly-Bear. The bear roared in pain as the cats' claws and teeth tore into her. Stargleam sent her teeth into her cheek. Holly-Bear roared again.

     "Okay, okay," Hollyleaf the bear panted. "I know you're not going to be beaten that easily." Suddenly, Hollyleaf turned back into a cat, and she dropped limp to the ground. Her eyes were dark and lifeless as it happened. There was a loud howl from the other side of the forest. It was Lakepaw!

     "Lakepaw, you're back!" Flamepaw cheered.

     "What?!" gasped Stargleam. Then, she followed the eyes of her Clanmates and saw that it was true. It was Lakepaw! She was running through the forest. Stargleam was so happy! Then, she suddenly saw Lakepaw's eyes. They weren't blue, but green...

     They were Hollyleaf's eyes!

(The next chapter will come soon! And stop flaming, you haters! You just don't believe in God!)

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