Chapter 13 - The Ten Commandments

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     Stargleam raced into ThunderClan camp. It was moonhigh, and there were no cats outside.

     "All cats gather!" Stargleam yowled, and all of ThunderClan emerged from their dens and did as they were told. "I have the ten commandments from StarClan," the purple warrior announced, causing the crowd to gasp.

     Stargleam's ear twitched when they started to murmur. "Be quiet," she ordered, and they were all silent.

     "Here," she meowed, pushing the rocks forward for all to read. "Look at them. You must follow these commandments for your whole lives if you want to get into StarClan." The ThunderClan cats all read the written rocks.

1. Thou shall not believe in other ancestors

2. Don't make any pictures or statues and worship them. If you do, then I'll punish you and all of your grandkits.

4. Don't say StarClan's name in vain

5. Work for six days and worship StarClan on one

6. Repsect your mother and father

7. Don't kill others unless in battle or for self-defense

8. Don't be disloyal to your mate

9. Don't steal things from the other Clans

10. Don't lie about your neighbor

10. Don't be jealous of your neighbor

11. No being gay!

     The entire Clan gasped once again.

     "I'm sorry," whispered Daisypaw. "I've been a sinner. I promise I'll do better next time!" All of the other cats said the same.

     Stargleam was happy; they were all following the right path! If they followed StarClan, things would never go wrong!

     But suddenly, Stargleam saw something. She saw... Redpaw and the newly named Lakepool licking and showing affection to one another romantically!

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