Chapter 16 - Riley

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I walk into the kitchen. Steph and Giselle are busy preparing food - it looks like dinner - for some odd reason, whilst Emily sits on a bar stool, watching them.

"What's going on?" I say, with a small laugh.

"Mum and Dad went out, remember they said they were going to, Riley?" Emily says.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!"

"Well," Giselle says. "We couldn't really leave her on her own, so we decided to make dinner!"

Emily gets up and walks over to me. She takes me by the hands enthusiastically and says,

"Congrats about the solo! I can't wait to see you!"

"Emily?" Steph says.


"I think we've had enough intensity for now!" She says, winking at Emily.

"Oh, shut up Steph!" Emily says quickly. Was that said sincerely or just playfully? I'm not sure. I tilt my head slightly at Emily.

"What, Em?" I ask, looking straight at her. She avoids my gaze.

"Oh, nothing!"

I raise my eyebrows, smiling in disbelief.

"Really, Em?"

"You might as well just tell her." Giselle says, whilst chopping some vegetables. "She is your sister after all, you probably know everything about her, so why shouldn't it be the same the other way round?"

I seriously hope she doesn't know everything about me. She can't do. I don't want to give even my sister that power over me. I'm comfortable the way I am, not letting anyone else into my safe little bubble. It's how it works, and I don't want anything, or anyone, to change that.

"What is it?"

"I, er... wrote a letter..."

"To Hunter." I say, not really thinking about it.

"How did you know?!"

I stop.

"I... er..."

"Riley, did you read it?!" She says, flickers of hurt and anger flitting across her face.

Damn it! I really didn't think about the fact she would know I had read it if I said that. If I had said nothing, I could have pretended not to know. Why are you always messing things up, Riley?

Feeling a warmth in my cheeks, I mutter, "Yes, Em. I'm sorry..."

"It's fine..." She says in response, through gritted teeth, making it sound anything but.

I look around awkwardly. Steph is busy stirring tomatoes and mince in a pan. I don't know whether she hasn't been listening or she has but is trying to avoid getting involved. Giselle, on the other hand, is looking from me to Emily and back again. She moves towards us.

"Emily, let it go. Riley obviously didn't do it to be spiteful, she's not like that." She says.

"Yeah, I know..." Emily says, shuffling from one foot to the other. "Sorry I was like that. I put such a downer on your news, didn't I?" She says sadly.

"It isn't your fault, Em. I was just looking through your course papers and came across it. I couldn't help but read it... I was going to ask about it anyway."

"Well, careful, Riley. Emily's slightly, how to put it, sensitive on this subject..." Steph pipes up.

"I gathered that from the letter." I say, earning a slight smile and a roll of the eyes from Emily.

She walks back round the counter and sits on a stool again.

"So," I say, coming to sit next to her. "What are you doing about it?"

"She rang him!" Steph says. Emily glares at Steph in mild irritation.

"Do. You think. I'm incapable. Of saying. That myself?" Emily says.

Steph looks at Giselle for a moment then looks down to continue stirring in the vegetables Giselle has just added to the pan.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"I want to see him."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah. Anything else I can say in person."

"And what did he say?"

"We should meet up."



"Wait, what?!" I ask, trying to tell whether she's joking. "Wednesday? Really? That's only a few days' time."


"Are you sure you're ready?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" She replies, suddenly angry again.

Why wouldn't she be ready? Um, I don't know, because she might not be able to cope with the fact she might be turned down? If she was, I don't know how she'd react, and that's what worries me. From that letter, I know she's into him. Like, REALLY into him. And I worry she's too into him for it to go well. I'm probably just being negative, but it's just I don't want her to make a fool of herself, or for her to get hurt.

"Hey guys, I think it's ready!" Steph says quickly. Emily gets up and rushes to find some plates, I guess so she could get away from me and my questions. It's not that I like to be negative, it's just I know what it's like to be hurt when you trust people, or are over-optimistic, or open up to people too much. It's really not nice, so I try to avoid doing stupid things like that.

As Giselle takes the food into the dining room, she nudges me.

"It might be best if you leave Emily alone for a while." She whispers.

"How can I? She's my sister!" I whisper back, following her into the dining room.

"Okay, well, just... just agree with her. She needs your support, not your cynicism, Riley."

"Giselle you know I'm just trying to be realistic. There's no point her pinning all her hopes on Hunter. As much as she likes him, he's only a guy, and guys let you down..." I say.

Steph walks in and smiles at us, followed by Emily, who smiles half-heartedly.

I watch her sit down as I do the same myself. She looks up at Steph and Giselle and smiles.

"Thank you for doing this." She says appreciatively. They both smile before we all start eating.


Chapter 16 everyone :) Hope you enjoyed it! As always, please continue to read, comment and vote, all your support is greatly appreciated!

Also, what did you think of the new blurb and cover? Let me know in the comments :D

Chapter 17 will be coming your way soon......

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