Chapter 55 - James

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I've waited 9 days to see her. Well, not whole days – Mum wouldn't let me miss school – but I would've, given the chance. There's so many things I need to say to Riley, so many changes have happened, especially for the better – especially for her. I can't wait to talk to her.

I sit in the waiting room, drumming my fingers on the chairs on either side of me when suddenly a pair of dark purple shoes come into view. Frowning, I look up.

"She's allowed to see people who aren't family." Emily says, as she sits down beside me and briefly looks around. "So, yeah, just you I guess."

As soon as I hear the words, I stand up and start walking down the corridor.

"James!" Emily shouts, causing me to slow my pace. "You don't know where you're going!"

"Oh," I mumble, slightly embarrassed. "I just really want to see her."

Emily smiles.

"Aww, when you're not acting like a complete idiot, I ship you both so much!"

I laugh a little as I follow her down the corridor, then stop.

"In all seriousness though, I'm sorry for treating her like that. I'll never do it again." I reply. Emily raises an eyebrow and glances back at me.

"Well you can't do it again, unless you want to never see her again, because that could happen. Even if you have made some things better for her..."

She reaches a door on one side of the corridor and stops.

"Be... careful, James." she says quietly. "Don't bring things up too much, she seems like she's improving, so don't bring up Nick, okay? That's for her to handle in her own time. Remember you're not a professional therapist, and you can't fix everything."

I roll my eyes.

"Emily, I don't need a lecture, I know who I'm involved with. Do you think I'd really be here if I didn't understand who Riley is? I can be tactful, you know." I say curtly, opening the door and stepping inside, closing the door behind me gently.

She's the first thing I see as I turn back around to face the room. I smile. It's only been a little while but already she looks so much better. I mean, she's still crazily thin but it now looks like there's actually life in her. She seems deeply engrossed reading a book, something I've not really seen her do before – something I struggle to do myself, to be honest – but that doesn't mean I don't like watching her. Her nose wrinkles as she squints slightly to read the text and this, for some reason, makes me realise just how amazing it is that she's even still here. She continues to not look up, so I clear my throat slightly.


She jumps and looks up, dropping the book on the bedsheets as she sees me.

"You're here." she says, a small smile forming on her sleepy-looking face, which is something I've only just acknowledged. She must be exhausted in so many ways, I'm surprised she's actually awake right now.

"Yeah," I reply, her smile being undoubtedly reciprocated. "Yeah, I am."

She glances down at her bandaged arms somewhat self-consciously before bringing her legs up onto the bed.

"I..." she mutters. "Sorry." she says a little louder.

"Riley," I say, walking over to her bed. "Don't apologise, it's not me that you hurt, it was yourself."

"You think I don't know I hurt myself?" she snaps, taking me aback slightly.

"Uh..." I mumble awkwardly, then I suddenly feel a cold hand on my arm.

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