Chapter 22 - Riley

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I'm standing in Studio A with the rest of A Troupe, trying hard to breathe properly after a full-out, high-energy run-through of our group dance.

"That was great everyone!" Giselle shouts, standing at the front. "Take a ten minute break!"

I notice she's looking at me, and I'm about to walk over to her but someone calls my name.

"Do you want to get something from Hidalgo's?" James asks.

"I... er..." I say, taken by surprise. "I kinda need to talk to Giselle..." I reply. "Sorry."

"It's fine." he says in a seemingly happy voice, although I notice him look down slightly and I feel a twinge of guilt. "Do you want me to get you anything?" he asks.

"Would you be able to get me a drink? I don't mind what kind." I say.

"Sure, I'll be back in a few minutes." he says, walking off out of the studio.

I hope he doesn't think I'm using him, because I'm really not. It's just I think Giselle needs to say something. I could be wrong though... I reach Giselle.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah... I was just wondering if I could have your opinion on something..." she says.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask. Giselle gets out her phone.

"Well, firstly..." She looks up at me. "Has Emily been talking to you?"

"Yeah, she has."

"How does she sound? Like, is she still annoyed at you for us talking about her?"

"Um... I don't think so... why?"

Giselle shows me a message on her phone from Emily.

Okay. Just to let you know things are going great with Hunter. Because I made things happen. Because I am capable of things.

"She seems to still be annoyed with me. I get it that she's trying to prove a point, but..."

"I'll talk to her, Giselle. She was probably just still a bit annoyed, but she's bound to be fine now. What time did she send that?" I ask.

"Er..." Giselle looks down at her phone. "11.46."

Oh, that was after I talked with her - and she was fine with me... I look back up at Giselle.

"I'll find out when I see her after rehearsals."


I'm about to walk off to find James when Giselle taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey, Riley?"


"Talking of rehearsals, you can go practise your solo if you like. I think you're good with the group dance, so Studio B's available if you want it."

I consider it for a moment. My solo's almost there, but it's not quite there yet.

"Yeah, if that's okay?"

"Yeah it is." she smiles. "Hope you have a good rehearsal!"

"Thanks." I walk out of Studio A to go and find James. I meet him at the top of the stairs to the studio.

"Hey Riley...?" He says slowly, obviously confused. "What's happening?"

"I came to find you to say I'm going to go practise my solo."

"Oh. Well, here's your drink." James replies, handing over some strawberry juice. I smile at him.

"Thanks." I hesitate for a moment before reaching up and kissing him on the cheek. I'm not exactly one for public affection - or sharing my feelings at all to be honest - but I don't want him to think I'm not grateful. Because I am. I just don't always show it.

He looks slightly taken aback but smiles as I speed walk away from him to avoid having to say anything. I rush down the corridor and slip into Studio B. As expected, no one is there. Good. Everyone got to see my solo at auditions, but now it's even better and I can't wait to show it on Friday. Woah that's only two days away! I'd better get on with rehearsing then.

I take a quick sip of my juice then put it down at the side of the room. I start playing Falling Behind on my phone for what seems like the millionth time - although it still doesn't seem to have got old, which is good. I start doing my choreographed routine.

Several practices later, I stop the music when it comes to the end of the song. I think that's enough practices today, I'm so out of breath and really sweaty! At least I know I'm working hard though. I'll probably run through it a couple more times tomorrow though, just to ensure it's flawless.

I pick up my bottle of juice and have a quick sip as I walk towards the door. Hearing several voices, I stop. What is it with me and hearing voices from people outside of the room I'm in?!

I open the door to the corridor. Michelle is standing there with James, evidently laughing at something James has said. She's looking up to him, looking straight into his eyes happily. Does she...? No, she wouldn't. Would she? I look at them suspiciously.

"Hey Riley!" Michelle says, looking over James' shoulder to look at me. James turns around.

"Oh, hey." he says, smiling.

"Hey... what are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Group rehearsals finished a few minutes ago, so we decided to come wait for you." Michelle replies.

"Er... thanks..." I say, looking slowly from one of them to the other. "Shall we go then?"

"Yeah." Michelle says, linking arms with me and pulling me down the corridor.

"Wait!" I say, laughing half-heartedly. "I don't want to run, we just had a rehearsal and I'm tired!"

I look back and see James.

"Guys, wait up!" he says, laughing. Michelle slows down, allowing James to catch up. "I just got a message so can you slow down so I can read it?" he asks.

"Sure, James." Michelle replies. Why do I get the feeling she's trying hard to be extra nice to him? He's. My. Boyfriend. And just because we don't always hang out in public, doesn't mean that he's not taken. I don't want to fight with my best friend, but she needs to know where to draw the line.

Hmm, Michelle does annoy me sometimes, but I still love her. She's a good friend and she says she's there for me. Not that she's really had a chance to prove that though...

Suddenly James stops dead and whispers something.

"What, James?" I ask, looking up at him. He doesn't say anything. "James?"

"I've... got to go!" James says suddenly and rushes ahead of us, into the distance. Michelle looks at me.

"What was that?!"

"I... I don't know..." I say slowly, trying to work out what message James must have got for him to react in that way. But I don't know. There's no way I could know. It's just kind of... unexpected. I hope he's okay...


There's chapter 22! What did you think of it? What do you think James' message said? Does Michelle like James? Keep reading and you may find out ;)

As always, please continue to read, comment and vote! :D

The next chapter is where things start to get interesting... ;)

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