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2 years ago today, Nick was found guilty, forced to spend a minimum of 15 years in jail. I think back to that both awful and amazing day. It was the last day I'll ever see him - hopefully.

That face. That manner. That attitude.
Every single thing about him disgusted me when I saw him saunter into court, acting like he wasn't even anywhere significant.

Everything about him still disgusts me, but I try not to let him invade my mind too often. It's hard, but I'm a lot better at handling my mind nowadays. I still can't believe how much things have changed.

"Riley, there's someone here for you." I hear Mum shout.

"Can't you just send them up?" I call back, as I lazily sprawl on my bed.

I hear light footsteps on the stairs and not long after, my door opens.

"Hey, I brought you something." Michelle says, bouncing in enthusiastically. Well, she's always known how to make an entrance.

"Why?" I ask as she sits down beside me.

"I know what the date is, Riley." she says quietly, then looks up at me. "So we should celebrate it." she adds more cheerfully.

"So you brought...?"

"Cake!" she laughs and hands me a large tub.

"It's not like it's my birthday." I respond, opening the tub. "But I appreciate it. I doubt James has even remembered." I say, rolling my eyes.

Okay, so I know he cares about me and loves me and all that, but he's not exactly the best at remembering, or necessarily doing the right thing at the right time.

"Boys are like that, you know. They forget things and mess up their priorities. You know he loves you though. But even then, you don't need a boy to define your happiness." Michelle says.

"You would say that though, you're the one with a girlfriend." I remind her.

"Mmm shh, small details..." Michelle laughs, blushing deeply. "Just eat the cake."

I unwrap one of the cupcakes, glancing up at Michelle.

"How are you and Steph anyway?" I ask nosily as I take a bite out of the cake. Michelle initially seems to try and hide it, but I can see how much she lights up.

"Umm..." she blushes. "I mean, it's great. Seriously great, Riley. We've been together for over a year now, it's crazy. I didn't realise I had any interest in girls until we started getting closer and stuff..."

"And stuff?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I interrupt her, having quickly finished my cake. Michelle laughs and shakes her head.

"You don't need to know everything, Riley." she says. "But anyway, I literally didn't even realise she was gay until she told me."

"She does keep things to herself sometimes though." I comment, knowing how much I used to be able to relate to that.

"True. But anyway, enough about Steph, I can see her later. I came over to see my best friend... so let's actually talk about you. How are you doing?" she says, reaching for a cake.

I shrug.

"I'm fine. I've taken my meds, I've got cupcakes, I'm doing okay, yeah."


"Yes, Michelle. Don't worry about me, seriously."

"Okay. But I'm here for you."

"And I'm here for you just as much." I reply, smiling up at her.

"Thank you."

I move the cakes onto my bed, standing up to go over to my desk. After a few moments, I look up at all the photos and notes and medals stuck up on my wall.

"It's weird to think how we're going to have to move on from The Next Step soon. Everyone has to do it eventually, but you know, I never thought I wouldn't have it there. You know what I mean?" I say, looking over at Michelle as I absent-mindedly trace my fingers over my arm, feeling the bumps of my scars slightly protruding out from my skin. They act as a reminder of a worse time, but they don't make me feel bad anymore, and I don't hide them. I'm not proud that they happened, but I'm proud of my strength, and I'm not afraid to show that I've come a long way to be who I am today.

"Yeah, I know. But even if we don't go there anymore, it doesn't mean we're not still a family. And it doesn't mean we won't still support each other. We'll go our separate ways, but we'll still come back to one place in the end, we've all been through too much not to." Michelle replies, standing up to look at the photos too.

I know she's right. Leaving will be scary - my safety net will be pretty much gone - but it won't be the end. And I'm never going to be alone. I'm never going to let myself get to that alone place ever again. It's not the way anyone should live.

But we're all going to be okay, no matter where we go. After all, The Next Step is a family, and you can never forget the memories you make with the people that mean the most.
And that's the end!
I felt the need to create a cute little epilogue, one, because I wanted to tie up those loose ends like YAS NICK WENT TO JAIL, two, I wanted a cheeky bit of stephchelle hehe, and three, I wanted to properly say goodbye to this book and I guess, tns as it used to be. As my username suggests, I'm now a greater part of a different fandom, so this is the last part of my tns writing.
I really appreciate everyone who's ever read this book, and if anyone wants to continue to support me as I write my new book, it would be great, but I understand if it's not your thing 😂
It's gonna be pitch perfect related, specifically bechloe, and yeah, it'll be out probably in a few weeks/months, so if you're interested, stay tuned 😉
That just leaves me to say, I love you all and I hope you're doing okay out there, wherever you are in the world, and if you're not, please try and tell someone, you're not alone and you're not a burden 😊

Nat x

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