Chapter 41 - Emily

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From my seat in the living room, I see Riley walking up the driveway. Dad emailed me saying I could go to school again tomorrow, so I'm enjoying my last day of freedom, binge watching box sets on the TV.

"Hey Em." I hear Riley say as she opens the living room door. I pause the TV and look up at her.

"Uh... hey?" I say slowly. She sits down on the sofa opposite and looks into the distance. "Hunter and I are going to the studio later. Do you want a lift to dance?" I ask her. She suddenly looks down at her lap.

"Oh, um, I'm not going today." she mutters.

"You're 'not going'?" I ask, confused. She's skipping dance? That's too weird not to be suspicious.


"Why?" I ask, determined to get an answer.

"I'm... not needed today." she replies.

"You're not needed rehearsing for internationals?" I ask.

"Well, yeah I am... just not today." she says, standing up.

"Um, okay then..." I reply, still not fully believing her, but wanting to avoid an argument if possible. I get up too, making Riley stop in her tracks.

"What?" she says defensively. I hold my hands up.

"Woah calm down, I'm just getting up too, it's not a crime! I swear you're never happy anymore Riley." I say, holding her gaze determinedly, just waiting for her to say something.

"Maybe I am never happy, but that's just the way things are. Things never change - unless it's for the worse, you know that Em." she snaps, folding her arms.

"Well my situation with Hunter changed for the better, explain that one." I say, folding my arms also.

"Oh whoopee for you, you found something that supposedly proves me wrong. But guess what? I'm not interested in your interest in a boy who's just gonna hurt you. He doesn't care about you really Em." she says before quickly walking out of the room.

I go to follow her but immediately stop when I see Hunter standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall.

"Uh, hey." he says awkwardly. "She really doesn't like me, does she?"

"Umm..." I say, walking over to him. "For some reason, no. But I don't see how it's possible to hate you, Hunter." I say, taking his hands in mine. He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. Let's go see Miss Kate."

"Bye Riley!" I call up the stairs, not that she'll reply. Quickly, I grab my coat and keys before following Hunter out the door.


"Hey," Hunter says, sauntering into Miss Kate's office confidently. I follow him quickly, knowing that he tends to turn into an overexcited puppy when he's happy.

"Hey Hunter!" Miss Kate says, standing up. "And Emily!"

"Hey," I say happily. "I'm here to ask you a question." I add.

"Sure, what is it?" she asks.

"Well, my knee's fully healed, so I was wondering if I could come back to The Next Step. I mean, I know there's no longer a space in A Troupe, but... B Troupe?"

Miss Kate's face registers the question but doesn't immediately reply.

"Well..." she says quietly, then stops. "Actually, no." she mutters to herself before looking at me. "Yes, B Troupe has room."

"Room for me too?" Hunter asks. I look at him quickly.

"You'd come back too?"

"Of course." he says, grinning. "It'd be great to come back, even if we can't perform at internationals."

"Yeah, I reckon there would be space..." Miss Kate says distractedly.

"Miss Kate?" I say, confused. "Are you okay?"

She looks at me.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about the duet competition... It's only for A Troupe dancers, but the only people from A Troupe that I know are going to audition are James and Michelle."

"Wait, what?" I say. "James and Michelle? Don't you mean James and Riley?"

Miss Kate sits back down at her desk.

"Nope, James and Michelle are preparing a duet. I think maybe James thought Riley was too busy to work on a duet as well as her solo... or that she wouldn't want to do another competition... Are you sure it was just a cold?"

"Well, I really don't know anymore. She's just acting so stupidly I don't even know what's going on with her anymore." I say, my voice unintentionally rising. I feel an arm on my shoulder.

"Calm down, Em. We'll sort it." Hunter says. Still running over things with Riley in my mind, I head towards the door.

"B Troupe rehearsals can start tomorrow if you're ready." Miss Kate says. "They're not quite as frequent as A Troupe rehearsals as I'm sure you're aware. I'll see Riley later, as they have one today."

"Oh, she's not coming." I inform her.

"Why?" Miss Kate asks.

"Apparently she's 'not needed' today." I say.

"Why wouldn't she be needed?" Miss Kate asks, confused.

"No idea, she's just being weird at the moment. I'm sure it's just a phase she's going through though."

"Please could you try and persuade her to come? It's just, I really need everyone to be here."

"I'll try my best, but it probably won't work." I reply wearily. "See you tomorrow Miss Kate." I say, leaving her office, Hunter in tow.

"Hey, what's up, Em?" Hunter says as we walk outside. "This was meant to be a happy time for you and you just seem all... negative."

I sigh.

"Well, I don't exactly have a lot to be happy about right now. I mean, I have to be in charge of a house for 3 weeks with a weirdo hypocrite who won't even try participating in normal human interaction. It's not exactly something to get pumped about." I say, walking back to his car.


"My parents are going away for 3 weeks! They think I can deal with - no, they think I want to deal with Riley! But I don't. I don't want anything to do with her. And anyone who thinks I do is clearly deluded. I have no interest in someone who just acts mopey for no reason. I'm not going to give someone attention just for the sake of it. She's got James. She picked badly, I mean, it's James, but at least he can give her some attention. Because I'm just not doing it anymore." I reply, slamming the car door shut.

When we get back home, I suddenly realise I've missed my chance to say goodbye to Mum and Dad, seeing as they're probably on their plane to who knows where by now.

"Do you want me to come in?" Hunter asks, brushing his hand over mine.

"I, um... no, no I'll be fine." I reply, looking quickly out the window. "But thank you." I add, getting out of the car and walking up the driveway.

There's chapter 41 everyone! I know it's not exactly Sunday, but at least it's finally up ;) Hope you enjoyed it x

Will Riley keep missing dance? How much longer will she keep her issues to herself? Will anyone else audition for the duet? Will there be a James chapter soon? (The answer to that one is yes :D)

Please continue to read, comment and vote! :)

Hopefully another chapter will be up this weekend... :D

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