Chapter 58 - Emily/James/Riley

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Emily POV

I sit in the car waiting for Riley to appear, knowing that it's probably not the best idea to hurry her up. She probably got distracted by something – no doubt, her own thoughts – and I don't want her to feel increased pressure from me, even if it is getting nearer and nearer to 11.30. Besides, I need time to get there, I'm not exactly a pro at driving quite yet (as Hunter likes to remind me) even if I have now got my licence. Just because Hunter had his licence way before me, ugh.

The car door opens suddenly and Riley slips in.

"Sorry I took a while. I, um, had to, you know..." she pauses, running a hand through her hair before slumping a little in her seat. "Convince myself to actually come."

I nod. I understand things now. I know I could give her an entire essay on reasons why she shouldn't be insecure, but it's not as simple as that. Only her brain can fix her view on herself. If I could tell it what to think, I would, but Riley is strong-minded. But as far as I'm aware, it's getting better for her.

"It's okay." I reply softly, reaching over to squeeze her hand; she doesn't move away. "You're here and that's what matters." I say, realising that I'm not just referring to sitting in the car. Because I was so close to losing her... and I didn't even know. I can't let it turn into that again.

The journey to Hidalgo's is mostly silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Well, until I turn into the right street. Suddenly Riley tenses up and the atmosphere changes completely.

"Riley." I say quickly. "You're going to be fine, have a little faith in yourself."

"Em, I can't do this." she replies, and my mind instantly rushes back to the competition. Last time she said that, she ran away from the danger completely, but she needs to see she can do this. It'll help her get better, even if she can't see that quite yet.

"Yes you can." I say, parking up. "You're the only one who doesn't believe in you."

"And that helps how?" Riley fires back as I get out of the car.

"Well..." I hesitate briefly as I open her car door. "I was just saying you should believe in yourself." I hold my hand out to Riley and, to my surprise, she takes it. Her hands are shaking in mine, but I know she has the strength. And I know James will be waiting inside. He cares about Riley and he'll make sure she's okay. I'm now certain of that.

Riley steps out of the car slowly onto the pavement and I slam the door shut behind her, unintentionally making her jump.

"Don't do that." she says quickly, evidently bothered by more than just the sudden noise.

"Sorry." I reply almost instantly, knowing I'm not exactly helping. "Let's just go." I add, locking the car and beginning to walk towards Hidalgo's.

Riley follows reluctantly, still clinging onto my hand - I don't think she realises she's doing it. Glancing across at her as we walk up the steps, my mind travels back to the first time I took her to dance. She was terrified, yet she still desperately wanted to go. Her determination showing through, as usual. I'm honestly so proud of her.

"Will you be coming back to dance?" I ask gently. Riley looks up at me momentarily before looking away.

"I... don't know. Not yet. I'd like to... but not quite yet. This is scary enough as it is-" Then she stops. "I shouldn't have mentioned that." she mumbles. I guess she sees it as a sign of weakness?

"Ri, you need to do this. You need to prove to yourself that you can manage. It will help in the long run. Anyway, you have James."

Riley nods.

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