Chapter 26 - Riley

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Walking to the studio after school, I can't wait to get there, because I don't want to put everything on it, but I think this could be my strongest solo yet. I really want to prove to everyone I deserve to do this competition and keep up my reputation of being a passable dancer, because I've worked out that's probably the only reason James likes me - I haven't exactly got a lot else going for me...

Last night's rehearsal went even better than Wednesday's so I'm confident Miss Kate and Phoebe will think my solo's worthy of being performed at a competition. At least, I hope they do, anyway. Sometimes it's bad to be too confident about things, because it feels worse when things don't go as well as you thought they would.

Another good thing that happened yesterday evening was that me and Emily made up. Well, I say made up, but it was more of... an agreement. We both knew we were both stating our honest opinions, and it would have been stupid to take them back, saying we didn't mean them, when we evidently did. So we both agreed that we didn't agree and we would just leave it, because there would be no point continually going over it and arguing more.

I check my phone, just to check I'm not going to be late. We were let out really late from last period, and the studio's quite a way from school. Luckily, I've still 15 more minutes before West and I have to show our solos at 4. No doubt I'll have to go first, but it'll be okay because it'll go fine. I've worked hard enough, and I deserve it.

Seeing the studio in the distance, I speed up, wanting to get there early to get the opportunity to warm up, because I need to make sure I'm ready to dance my best.

I reach the doors and look behind me. Michelle's there and she smiles at me when we make eye contact. I decide to smile back, because if she's going to act all nice around me and I get annoyed about that, I'll be falling for the plan I think she has that James will see her in the better light, and want to go off with her instead of me. So, you know, kill them with kindness, as they say.

I turn back around without saying anything and go up the stairs to the studio. Most people are already there and I can see West warming up in one corner. Walking past Miss Kate's office, I see her get up and look through the window. I go past the window and put my bags in my cubby.

Surprisingly, no one comes over to wish me luck or anything, so I go over to another corner to warm up alone. I'd like to think that maybe they think I don't need luck, but it's more likely to be that they just don't care. Oh well, I'll just dance extra hard to show them all I don't need their luck in order to dance well.

A few minutes later, Miss Kate and Phoebe come out of the office and walk out onto the floor.

"Okay everyone!" Miss Kate says loudly. "Today we're just having a quick rehearsal for West and Riley to show their perfected solos. You've both had just under a week so I'm hoping there's an improvement in your solos - even though they were good before!"

"Riley, you'll be going first. Then, straight after, West, you'll go." Phoebe adds.

Come on Riley. You can do this. I walk out into the centre of the room. I have a feeling this is going to be good.

Falling Behind starts, and this time, I feel even more in sync than before. My moves match the beat so well and everything's just seeming to flow. Every arm movement, every leg kick is executed with such power and finesse I'm surprised it's even me dancing.

There's a point in the dance where I dance in a corner and as I move over to that corner, I notice James staring in awe. I smile inwardly and carry on dancing with even more focus and determination to give it everything I've got. Several sequences later, I notice I'm breathing pretty quickly and I'm glad to notice it's almost the end of the dance. I end the dance with my final move and stop. I get up, everyone clapping around me. I smile and go over to the benches.

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