Chapter 57 - Riley

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Hi. I know you might not even open this after seeing who it's from, but I really needed to tell you something. I am so sorry for what I did Riley, I can't believe I was so self-centred and selfish, I can't believe I stole my best friend's boyfriend – that's completely against the laws of sisterhood – I'm honestly so ashamed of myself. I know the way I've acted towards you has been so wrong and unacceptable and I completely understand if you never want to talk to me again.

You probably think I never wanted to be your friend in the first place, but let me tell you that's so not true. When I joined the studio, you were the one who was there for me – you made my life better. I saw what you and James had, and selfishly wanted it for myself, for some reason I thought that stealing James would give me that. But I've now come to realise it's the combination of you both that makes what you two have so beautiful.

I'm so disappointed in myself that it took hearing about how my best friend was suicidal for me to snap out of the self-absorbed state of mind I was in. I thought I knew how you'd be affected by my actions – for some stupid reason, I didn't even seem to care – but I know I read you so so wrong. And you have no idea how sorry I am to you for that.

I know you may see my actions as unforgiveable: if you do, that's okay, I understand. But if you ever want to meet up and talk, please let me know, because you have no idea how badly I want to fix this.

Michelle xo

I drop my phone on the sofa and sigh. Is she making this up? Does she actually care? Do I even need her in my life?

"Em?" I mumble, brushing away the hair that has tumbled into my eyes.

"Yeah?" she replies, barely looking away from the TV.

"Was what Michelle said to you nice?"

She nods, her eyes drifting over to me.

"Yeah, it was."

"Was it believable?"

She raises an eyebrow.

"Well, have you any knowledge of her being some incredible actress?"


"Just accept what she's said Riley, she seemed genuinely sorry. Let people act on their words."

I nod, realising that I need to listen to Emily. Cautiously, I pick up my phone again and type a reply.

I guess we probably should talk. I hate what you did... but I don't hate you. And if you're not lying, then I guess I can accept your apology.

After sending the text, I stand up and go towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Emily asks.

"To the garden. I need some time alone." I reply. As I leave the room, I stop, realising how much I hate everything being about me. "So how are you and Hunter?" I say, spinning back around suddenly and becoming a little disorientated.

"We're... good?" Emily says, confused. "Why?"

I shrug in response and pull my top down over my arms absent-mindedly.

"Just asking. You deserve to be happy, that's all."

I pass Mum and Dad in the kitchen, where they're making dinner. For three, obviously – I'm nowhere near ready for proper meals.

"I'll be outside." I mutter.

"But you'll be cold." Mum protests.

"No, I won't, Mum. I have a long-sleeve top on and it's summer, I'll be fine." I argue, raising an eyebrow. I know this means she thinks I'm not strong enough generally, but I can prove her wrong – I'm not weak, at least I don't think so, not anymore.

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