Chapter 21 - Emily

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Hey Riley I send to her, whilst standing in front of a sink. I put my phone down on the counter for a moment whilst I wait for her reply and look into the mirror.

For once, I'm actually happy. Something has actually gone my way. I just hope things will stay good, because I don't want the disappointment of something bad happening.

My phone vibrates.

Hey Em, how's it going? Riley replies.

Great, really great! I reply. Well, I might as well tell it like it is.

That's really good! She says.

:) I reply.

Are you still at the coffee shop? Riley asks.

Yeah. But I think we might do something else in a moment.

Ooooh like what?

I'm not sure. There's not a lot we can do, because of my knee...

Hmm yeah... Tell me when you've decided though, I want to know what you're doing!

Nosy! Just because my life is more interesting than yours ;) I reply.

Ooh I felt that! She replies. I can imagine her voice saying that, it's nice to have her joking with me. Riley worries and stresses over things a lot of the time and sometimes I think she needs to put herself first and let loose, just for a while. So I love times when I see her smiling or having fun or even just not being serious for once. Not that I'm one to talk about being serious, I've barely laughed at all for the past few months. Wow that's depressing! But it's true... Loneliness isn't exactly something you experience and laugh at! Only recently, whilst being in the company of others, have I laughed.

Wow, only when I acknowledge that do I realise how much I wasted my life being in the house alone for hours on end. Sometimes people don't realise you're struggling, so sometimes you have to call out for help, otherwise things just spiral out of control...

Agh! I've just realised I'm spending all this time in here thinking and Hunter's out there waiting for me to come back. He probably thinks I've escaped out the window or something! I pick up my phone and rush back out to meet Hunter.

He smiles as I return to the table and gets up.

"Shall we go then?"

"Yeah!" I reply. Agh, that was a bit too enthusiastic! He may be my boyfriend - MY BOYFRIEND - but there still is something called being too intense! Hunter takes my hand and leads me out of Coffee Corner out onto the street.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as we begin to walk the opposite way to the way I came.

"To my car." He replies.

"You have a car?"


"Can you drive it?" I ask. Hunter laughs.

"Of course. I wouldn't be offering you a ride to your house if I couldn't!"

We reach a fairly old-looking car and Hunter unlocks it.

"Sorry it's a bit... well, you know!" Hunter says. "Old! It stills works though."

I get in on the opposite side to him and put on my seatbelt. After several attempts to start the engine and it not working, eventually it starts and we drive off.

"Still remember which way to go?" I ask.

"Yep." He says confidently.

"Okay." I reply, sitting back in my seat.

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