Chapter 47 - Riley

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We're travelling back to James' house but I wish we could just go straight home. I think James may have heard me being sick, but I tried to brush it off. I think my lying is getting better anyway, the more things I have to hide, the better I'm forced to be. It's not like I had a choice, I had to get rid of the burger somehow.

"So how was your food?" Emily ironically asks.

"Oh," I look up, flashing a fake smile. "I really enjoyed it-" Then I feel a vibration in my pocket and stop. Why would I have any kind of notification from my phone? I don't use social media anymore and I don't exactly have any friends to talk to. Slowly, I get out my phone, my heartbeat quickening as I get the feeling something isn't quite right.

1 New Message. Number withheld.

No... no no no no no! If this is... no, it can't be. He doesn't... Please, don't be who I think it is. Closing my eyes and praying, I open the message.

Hey, got your number. Hope you enjoyed where we used to go. Missed you lots, little girl. Text me back, okay?

He has my number? No, this can't be happening. How does he have it?! Wait. He knows where I went.

Without warning, Emily snatches my phone out of my hand and reads the message.

"No!" I shout, trying to take it back. "Give. It. Back!"

Emily just raises an eyebrow at me and continues to look at my phone. "Who's this even from anyway?"

"Um, um... um..." I stutter, unable to say or do anything, completely and utterly paralysed. Nick has my number. NICK HAS MY NUMBER. HE KNOWS WHERE I AM. I have to text him back, or he'll do something bad, I know it. He's back to ruin my life all over again...

Wait, no. My life is already ruined. I've said it before, there's nothing worth living for anymore. I don't think I can handle this too, I think I'm too close to the edge to bring back now.

"Well?" Emily asks and I know I have to give an answer.

"It's, um... probably just a wrong number." I mutter. Wow Riley, convincing. Seriously, you're pathetic.

I take back my phone with the little energy I have left and turn it off.

"Um, Dad?" I mumble.

"Yes?" he replies from the front.

"Can I, um, go home? You can all go back to Deborah's... I just don't feel very well-" I stop, realising I'm giving too much away. "And, um, I have some stuff I need to do."

"Now? Can't it wait?" Mum asks, turning round in her seat.

"Not really." I reply with as much assertiveness as I can manage, which isn't much, to be perfectly honest.

"Okay." Dad says. He often listens to me and Emily, I guess he tries to make up for the times he's never there, unlike Mum.

A few minutes later, they drop me off at our house before driving off again, leaving me alone on the doorstep. Glancing around, my breath hitches as I remember Nick's message. He knows I live here. He's probably nearby right now. A shiver runs down my spine as I think of his cold, hard eyes constantly looking me up and down. His cold, hard hands going wherever they wanted. His cold, sharp knife digging uncomfortably into my skin... I fumble quickly with my key and dash inside, locking the door behind me before running up to my room.

Some crazy desire tells me to open the message again, so I do, but this time I get an even bigger shock. Another message.

I know you're reading this. Call me now. Or else.

My body quivers more uncontrollably than ever before as my eyes scan over his words and I'm doing everything I can to stop myself passing out. Calling him would be the most idiotic, insane idea ever. But, knowing what he's capable of, not calling him would be even more stupid.

Glancing round one last time before calling him, I pray I've made a mistake. That maybe this isn't him. That maybe it is a wrong number. That maybe nothing will happen. But deep down, I know reality. And in reality, nothing ever turns out well for me.


There's chapter 47! Hope you enjoyed it :D

Sorry if you thought it was pretty short, I just felt it was the right length, because I don't want to give too much away too soon ;)

So Nick seems to be back... :/  how did he get Riley's number? How does he know where she's been? Will she see him again? Does James know him? Will James be able to sort this? (I guess he'd only be able to if she told him about it, which seems unlikely in the current situation...)

I spent a lot of today writing new chapters, so when I've typed them up, I will definitely update! I'll try my hardest to get another one up tomorrow :)

Please continue to read, comment and vote, I love you all! x

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